"difunto" in English
"difunto" in English
escribió una apología del difunto compositor
he wrote a eulogy for the dead composer
vivos o difuntos - para estar cada vez más íntimamente
or dead to become ever more intimately united with the Father in
Y también hay incertidumbre respecto a la cuestión de qué sustituirá a la difunta Constitución.
We have uncertainty, too, about what will take the place of the now dead Constitution.
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what was your relationship to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what relation were you to the deceased?
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what was your relationship to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what relation were you to the deceased?
el difunto
the departed
Estoy muy reconocido a los tres ponentes por haber rendido homenaje en sus intervenciones al destacado papel desempeñado por nuestro difunto colega Michel Ayral.
I am very grateful to the three rapporteurs for paying tribute in their speeches to the leading role played by our departed colleague, Michel Ayral.
No olvido notables excepciones, como nuestro difunto colega el polaco Filip Adwent.
I am not forgetting notable exceptions such as our late fellow Member from Poland, FilipAdwent.
No olvido notables excepciones, como nuestro difunto colega el polaco Filip Adwent.
I am not forgetting notable exceptions such as our late fellow Member from Poland, Filip Adwent.
Señor Presidente, como solía decir el difunto Senador Tip O'Neill: »Todo lo que es política, es local».
Mr President, as the late Tip O'Neill said: ' All politics is local' .
Estamos lejos de la solidaridad de la ya difunta CECA.
We are far from the solidarity of the now defunct CECA.
Parece que el señor McCreevy tiene previsto ignorar las directivas comunitarias vigentes y la difunta Constitución.
It would seem that Mr McCreevy is anticipating is ignoring the EU's existing Directives and anticipating the now defunct Constitution.
Nuestro Grupo no entiende la iniciativa del Gobierno finlandés de ratificar la difunta Constitución de la UE en Finlandia.
Our group fails to understand the move by the Finnish Government to ratify the defunct EU Constitution in Finland.
Context examples for "difunto" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what was your relationship to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what relation were you to the deceased?
escribió una apología del difunto compositor
he wrote a eulogy for the dead composer
solo los allegados del difunto
only those closest to the deceased
Junto con una afectuosa dedicatoria al difunto, aparecía una curiosa firma en francés:» Los amigos de la Unión Europea Accidental».
Next to an affectionate message to the loved one was a curious signature in French: ' Friends of the Accidental European Union.
los familiares del difunto
the deceased's family
el difunto William Jones
William Jones, deceased
su difunto marido
her deceased husband
su difunto marido
her late husband
mi difunto padre
my late father
el difunto
the deceased
el difunto
the departed
Estoy muy reconocido a los tres ponentes por haber rendido homenaje en sus intervenciones al destacado papel desempeñado por nuestro difunto colega Michel Ayral.
I am very grateful to the three rapporteurs for paying tribute in their speeches to the leading role played by our departed colleague, Michel Ayral.
Por tanto, me gustaría reiterar el llamamiento a las voces de la razón en Pakistán que ha iniciado la hija del difunto Gobernador del Punjab, Shehrbano Taseer.
I would like, therefore, to reiterate the call to the voices of reason in Pakistan that was initiated by the daughter of Punjab's deceased Governor, Shehrbano Taseer.
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