
"dictatorship" in Spanish

It is time to do away with the Member States' fiscal dictatorship over taxpayers!
Es hora de acabar con la dictadura fiscal de los Estados sobre los contribuyentes.
You threatened me, claiming that Hungary was moving towards becoming a dictatorship.
Me han amenazado, afirmando que Hungría va camino de convertirse en una dictadura.
The Peruvian system is increasingly coming to resemble a military dictatorship.
El sistema peruano se asemeja cada vez más a una dictadura militar.
A dictator or a president who behaves like a dictator is removed from power.
Un dictador o un presidente que se comporta como un dictador ha sido destituido del poder.
That country does not need another dictator, but the restoration of democracy.
Ese país no necesita a otro dictador, sino la reinstauración de la democracia.
It is clear that a dictator cannot be cowed merely by aggressive posturing.
Está claro que ningún dictador se deja amedrentar por una actitud amenazante.
Since last week, President Milosevic is now facing justice in The Hague - a fact which is now giving many other dictators and autocrats sleepless nights.
El hecho de que el Sr. Milosevic se encuentre en La Haya ante el Tribunal hace que muchos dictadores y autócratas duerman peor desde la última semana.

Synonyms (English) for "dictator":
Context examples for "dictatorship" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There is no doubt that the regime in Baghdad is a dictatorship based on terror.
En Bagdad hay un régimen terrorista dictatorial, de eso no cabe duda.
Especially since like the United States we deplore the ruling dictatorship in Cuba.
Sobre todo porque al igual que Estados Unidos condenamos el Gobierno dictatorial de Cuba.
The mindless dictatorship is systematically destroying national values and identities.
No hay duda de que hay que ser valientes hoy para declarar y defender una conciencia nacional.
Is it really the dictatorship of the cold-blooded Brussels bureaucracy?
Ellos solos –¡en calidad de Gobierno, administrador, legislador e incluso fuente de la Constitución!
Nothing to be sorry for after twenty years in the service of a dictatorship.
Lo que importa es hacer que el proceso de Lisboa avance y dar a los europeos todas las oportunidades posibles.
political dictatorship, against every ideology that claims to say
ideología que quiera decir todo sobre el hombre, porque nos
At last, countries and peoples who have had to endure a communist dictatorship are joining a broad area of peace and freedom.
Me gustaría dar la bienvenida a mis colegas de los países de la Europa del Este.
the mechanism of destruction established under the dictatorship
el engranaje de destrucción montado por la dictadura
With the oppressive brace of dictatorship ripped away, Iraq has burst like a broken dam.
Si no controlamos la inundación, esta amenaza con asolar la región y tragarse a Irán, Siria, Arabia Saudita y Turquía.
I also speak on behalf of Members from countries that suffered under dictatorship long after the Second World War was over.
Recordemos hoy las causas, el periodo que precedió, marcado como estuvo por una idea.
People who have not experienced dictatorship can only with difficulty imagine its consequences.
Observamos con preocupación que las autoridades bielorrusas están adoptando medidas represivas contra la sociedad civil.
the machinery of repression set up under the dictatorship
el aparato represivo montado por la dictadura
Dictatorship is gradually falling, in Latin America as elsewhere.
En América Latina y en otras partes.
Within this dictatorship, there is a continuing battle, whereby leaders are deposed and even imprisoned.
. – Señor Presidente, como ha descrito el señor Coveney de forma tan elocuente, la situación en Myanmar no mejora.
Obviously it is possible to maintain a strategic relationship with an undemocratic country, with a dictatorship.
Evidentemente, se puede concebir una relación estratégica con un país no democrático, con un país dictatorial.
However, the country was then immediately occupied by Indonesia and its left-wing, Islamic dictatorship.
Este pequeño país católico, con una población de 300 000 habitantes, sufrió durante 25 años una cruel ocupación enemiga.
during the dictatorship we were all brainwashed
durante la dictadura nos comían el coco a todos
he led the armed struggle against the dictatorship
condujo la lucha armada contra la dictadura
the transition from dictatorship to democracy
la transición de la dictadura a la democracia
Mr President, have we considered that the young people who were born after the dictatorship have not yet reached the age of majority?
Estaré a favor de la admisión de Rumanía y procuraré que se haga todo lo posible para conseguirlo.