
"denodadamente" in English


Context examples for "denodadamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creemos que han trabajado denodadamente, que han trabajado muy satisfactoriamente.
We believe that they have worked very hard, that they have worked very successfully.
Era incluso muy complicado, pero se luchó denodadamente y al final se ha conseguido.
In fact, it was very complicated, but we fought hard and finally achieved this goal.
Me alegro de que mi iglesia tenga un programa al respecto y esté trabajando denodadamente con él.
I am glad that my own church has a programme to that effect and is working hard on it.
Apoyo denodadamente todo lo que se ha dicho sobre el tema de la cultura y de la actividad creativa.
I very much support what has been said about culture and creative work.
El Parlamento ha trabajado denodadamente para realizar mejoras notables al sistema de comitología.
Parliament has worked furiously to make substantial improvements to the comitology system.
Vidal-Quadras, quien ha trabajado denodadamente en esta directiva.
They include my colleague, Mr Vidal-Quadras, who has worked courageously on this directive.
Debemos luchar denodadamente contra el racismo y la xenofobia.
We need to be working hard to combat racism and xenophobia.
Los diputados al Parlamento Europeo y las ONG laboraron denodadamente en pro de su inclusión en el Tratado.
MEPs and NGOs worked very hard to get Article 13 into the Treaty.
Sé que ha trabajado denodadamente durante un largo período para presentarnos este informe esta noche.
I know she has worked extremely hard over a long period of time to bring this report before us this evening.
Nuestros negociadores tienen que esforzarse denodadamente por instituir un marco equitativo y justo, así como un mercado libre.
Our negotiators must fight hard for a fair and just framework as well as a free market.
Puedo asegurar al Parlamento que la Comisión trabajará denodadamente para lograr la adhesión de todo el sector.
I can assure Parliament that the Commission will work hard in order to ensure adherence of the entire sector.
Tengo entendido que el Consejo ha trabajo denodadamente para lograrlo y propone nuevos y mejores niveles de emisiones.
I understand the Council has worked very hard to achieve this and it does propose new and better levels of emissions.
Hemos intentado denodadamente reforzar el sistema ECTS y para ello hemos solicitado que las universidades hagan también un esfuerzo.
We have made further efforts to promote the ECTS system here and have asked the universities to look at it.
También nos entrevistamos con ONG y nos gustaría que la Unión Europea alentara más a esas organizaciones que trabajan denodadamente.
We also met NGOs and would like to see more encouragement from the European Union to these hard-working bodies.
Sabemos que ha trabajado de lo más denodadamente en ese informe y en estrecha colaboración con otros diputados a esta Asamblea para garantizar su éxito.
We know he has worked extremely hard on this report and very closely with others in this Chamber to ensure its success.
Billingham ha trabajado denodadamente -y ello la honra- para lograr un consenso y un informe que debería haber recibido una mayoría abrumadora.
Mrs Billingham has, to her credit, worked hard to achieve a consensus and a report which should have received a strong majority.
Todos hemos trabajado mucho y muy denodadamente en los últimos días y seguiremos haciendo las mismas gestiones hasta que hayamos encontrado una solución.
We have all worked long and hard over the past several days and these efforts will continue until we have found a solution.
Billingham ha trabajado denodadamente -y ello la honra- para lograr un consenso y un informe que debería haber recibido una mayoría abrumadora.
Mrs Billingham has, to her credit, worked hard to achieve a consensus and a report which should have received a strong majority.
Espero que la Presidencia portuguesa labore denodadamente en pro de que se saque este asunto adelante y vele por que logremos esta legislación sobre racismo.
I hope the Portuguese Presidency can work very hard to push this through and make sure that we do get this racism legislation.
Somos totalmente conscientes del problema en todos sus aspectos y estamos trabajando denodadamente al respecto y abordando todas las terceras partes al respecto.
We are fully aware of the problem in all its aspects and we are working very hard on it and addressing all third parties on the subject.