
"cruenta" in English

"cruenta" in English
cruenta{adjective feminine}
cruento{adjective masculine}
cruenta{adjective feminine}
Angola está en guerra, una guerra cruenta y que se prolonga.
It is at war, and a bloody war at that, which is dragging on and on.
. - La situación en Siria, Bahréin y Yemen es un impredecible proceso en curso, no una marcha cruenta e imparable hacia la democracia.
. - The situation in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen is an unpredictable ongoing process and not a bloody but unstoppable march toward democracy.
Las autoridades mexicanas, y ante todo el Presidente Felipe Calderón, llevan varios años librando una cruenta guerra contra los narcotraficantes.
. - (PL) For several years now, the authorities in Mexico, including, first and foremost, President Felipe Calderón, have been waging a bloody war against drugs gangs.
cruento{adjective masculine}
ofrecido en sacrificio cruento en la cruz, El mismo instituyó su «
offered himself as a bloody sacrifice on the Cross also instituted its unbloody
Angola está en guerra, una guerra cruenta y que se prolonga.
It is at war, and a bloody war at that, which is dragging on and on.
Durante milenios se han librado guerras cruentas para convertirla en una unificación, pero fracasaron y volverían a fracasar.
For millenniums bloody wars have been fought to make it a unification.

Context examples for "cruenta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La Unión Europea debe adoptar una posición clara respecto a la zona de exclusión aérea para poner fin a la cruenta represión que sufre la población.
The European Union must adopt a clear position with regard to a no-fly zone so as to put a stop to the fierce repression of the people.