
"con tenacidad" in English

"con tenacidad" in English
sturdily{adv.} (oppose, resist)
Ha sido posible porque, desde hace tiempo, personas y organizaciones no han perdido la esperanza y han trabajado con tenacidad.
It was made possible by the fact that, for some time, individuals and organisations have not lost hope and have worked tenaciously towards this end.
Prosiguen la obra meritoria de su fundador, don Umberto Terenzi, que con tenacidad quiso aquí una nueva casa para la Virgen santísima, la que precisamente hoy estamos dedicando.
They are continuing the praiseworthy work of their founder, Fr Umberto Terenzi, who tenaciously wanted a new house here for the Blessed Virgin, the one we are dedicating today.

Similar translations for "con tenacidad" in English
Context examples for "con tenacidad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Recuerdo con agrado su tenacidad durante las reuniones a tres bandas.
I look back with pleasure on her tenacity during the trialogues.
Por ambos bandos se libra con tenacidad una lucha política y ello se prolonga desde hace años.
Both sides are waging the political struggle remorselessly and it has been going on for years now.
Tenemos que mantener con perseverancia y con tenacidad nuestros principios y nuestro compromiso con ese proceso.
We must stick vehemently to our principles and our commitment to this process.
Es una misión muy difícil, pero es una misión que debemos llevar a cabo con resolución y tenacidad.
It is a very difficult task, but one that we must carry out with determination and with tenacity.
La discriminación contra los cristianos debe combatirse con la misma tenacidad que las demás formas de discriminación.
Moreover it seems that the same split of opinions is taking place all over Parliament.
Moreira da Silva, que se ha esforzado por mejorar la propuesta con una tenacidad admirable.
Secondly to Mr Moreira da Silva, who has tried to improve the proposal with an admirable doggedness.
La discriminación contra los cristianos debe combatirse con la misma tenacidad que las demás formas de discriminación.
Discrimination against Christians should be fought with the same tenacity as other forms of discrimination.
Ésta es la postura que la Comisión, el Consejo y los Gobiernos de los Estados miembros han defendido con tenacidad.
That is the position which the Commission, the Council and the Governments of the Member States have steadfastly defended.
Éste ha sido un objetivo sumamente difícil, y la Presidencia y la Comisión lo han perseguido con tenacidad y con éxito.
This was an extremely ambitious goal, but the Presidency and the Commission have pursued it resolutely and successfully.
En definitiva, el camino elegido es el correcto, sin embargo, es necesario hacerlo con esa tenacidad que, sin duda, no le faltará a la Sra.
To sum up, we have set off along the right road but we must tread the path resolutely, as, I am sure, Commissioner Reding will do.
Hulthén el convencimiento y la tenacidad con que ha planteado su idea del desarrollo sostenible.
I should also like to thank Mrs Hulthén for the conviction and tenacity with which she has presented her vision on sustainable development.
Esta propuesta de directiva ha sido desarrollada con gran tenacidad e inteligencia por parte del Sr.
We also dispensed with the provision on the protection of vulnerable travellers; that means making provision for civil liability.
Éste es un ejemplo -que debe quedársenos grabado- de cómo con tenacidad, con paciencia, podemos conseguir nuevos resultados y ayudar a causas excelentes.
This should serve as an example to us of how, with tenacity and patience, we can achieve positive results and help good causes.
(DE) Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, me gustaría darle las gracias por su tenacidad con respecto a las cuestiones relativas a la seguridad de los pasajeros.
(DE) Madam President, Commissioner, I would like to thank you for your steadfastness when it comes to passenger safety issues.
En mi opinión, es necesario que Turquía revise con la misma tenacidad de Alemania los negros capítulos de su historia reciente.
I also think that it is necessary for Turkey, in the same ambitious way as Germany, to deal with the dark and sombre chapters of its twentieth century history.
Esta propuesta de directiva ha sido desarrollada con gran tenacidad e inteligencia por parte del Sr.
This proposal for a directive has been developed with great tenacity and intelligence by Mr Rothley, and I want to give him credit for it here.
Los ocho periodistas fallecidos en Afganistán desde el comienzo del conflicto, ejercían con valor, pasión y tenacidad su noble oficio.
The eight journalists who have died in Afghanistan since the beginning of the conflict were carrying out their duties in a courageous, passionate and tenacious manner.
Carlos Pimenta que abordó este tema particularmente complejo con la tenacidad que le caracteriza.
Mr President, our group firstly wishes to pay tribute to the work of Mr Pimenta, who has addressed this particularly complex question with his customary tenacity.
También lamento que en la próxima legislatura no podamos contar, siento decirlo, con su tenacidad y constancia para cerrar los temas que siguen abiertos.
I am also disappointed that in the next parliamentary term we will not, I am sorry to say, have your tenacity and constancy to wrap up the issues that remain open.
También lamento que en la próxima legislatura no podamos contar, siento decirlo, con su tenacidad y constancia para cerrar los temas que siguen abiertos.
I am disappointed, Commissioner, that we did not succeed in finishing off the proposal on driving licences but unfortunately there was not enough time for us to do so.