
"con desgana" in English

"con desgana" in English
con desgana{adverb}
desultorily{adv.} (walk, work, talk)
listlessly{adv.} (without enthusiasm)

Similar translations for "con desgana" in English
Context examples for "con desgana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el pasado, con frecuencia los Estados miembros han apoyado esta buena iniciativa sólo con desgana.
The Member States have in the past supported this good initiative of theirs only with reluctance.
No recibamos a nuestros socios ACP con desgana, pues daríamos una muy mala señal política.
Let us not welcome our ACP partners in a half-hearted fashion, as that would be a downright poor political signal for us to give.
hacía su trabajo con bastante desgana
she went about her work in rather a halfhearted way
con desgana
in a desultory fashion
Comprendo perfectamente que así sea tras haber comprobado con qué desgana atienden a sus tareas muchos de los diplomáticos de la Unión destacados en Washington.
I understand that very well after having experienced the sloppy way in which many of the many Union diplomats in Washington manage their tasks.
Por temor a que ello comprometa sus inversiones, la comunidad internacional se abstiene de condenar las violaciones de los derechos fundamentales, o lo hace con desgana.
For fear of compromising its investments, the international community refrains from condemning these violations of basic human rights, or does so half-heartedly.