
"comprometerse a" in English

"comprometerse a" in English
Los Comisarios van a comprometerse a responder rápidamente a todas las preguntas que se formulen.
The Commissioners will undertake to respond rapidly to any questions raised.
La Comisión puede comprometerse a aceptar varias de las enmiendas presentadas por la Comisión de Presupuestos.
The Commission can undertake to adopt several of the amendments proposed by the Committee on Budgets.
La Unión Europea debe comprometerse a asegurar el alivio o la cancelación de la deuda de los países pobres.
The European Union must undertake to bring about the alleviation or cancellation of the debts of the poor countries.

Similar translations for "comprometerse a" in English
Context examples for "comprometerse a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
estrictamente a comprometerse en el apostolado, dentro y fuera de la comunidad
devote oneself to the apostolate within and outside the ecclesial community.
Esa advertencia solemne invita a comprometerse firmemente en la lucha contra el hambre.
Such a solemn warning urges everyone to be firmly committed to combating hunger.
¿Puede comprometerse la Comisión a que evitemos en 1997 la situación de 1996?
Can the Commission undertake to ensure that we shall avoid the 1996 situation in 1997?
Se debe persuadir a China de que debe comprometerse a respetar las normas internacionales.
China must be persuaded to commit to international standards and to respect them.
cada vez mayor de fieles, especialmente jóvenes, a comprometerse en el
people, to commit themselves in the love of God with all their heart, all their
Creo que los interlocutores sociales están dispuestos a comprometerse con nosotros.
I think we saw the willingness of the social partners to engage with us.
Por el contrario, deben comprometerse a utilizar los fondos que están disponibles.
Instead, they must be committed to using the funds that are available.
La Unión Europea debe comprometerse ahora a reducir un 30 % las emisiones por tres razones.
The EU needs to commit itself now to a 30% cut in emissions for three reasons.
Durante el debate el Parlamento estaba extremadamente dispuesto a comprometerse.
Parliament was extremely willing to compromise during the debate.
¿O puede comprometerse al menos a estudiar las posibilidades de adoptar alguna acción legal?
Or will it, at the very least, undertake to consider possible legal action?
Europa ha decidido comprometerse a ser una sociedad segura que apuesta por el futuro.
Europe has decided to commit itself to being a confident society with a stake in the future.
Los Comisarios van a comprometerse a responder rápidamente a todas las preguntas que se formulen.
The Commissioners will undertake to respond rapidly to any questions raised.
Todas deben mantener la compostura y comprometerse a utilizar exclusivamente métodos pacíficos.
All must exercise restraint and be committed to peaceful means and peaceful means only.
El ponente y el Comisario Lamy han hecho bien en comprometerse a esto.
The rapporteur and CommissionerLamy are rightly committed to this.
Por ese motivo, Europa debe comprometerse a respetar las conclusiones del OIEA previstas para marzo.
That is why Europe must commit to respect the IAEA’ s findings due in March.
Por ese motivo, Europa debe comprometerse a respetar las conclusiones del OIEA previstas para marzo.
That is why Europe must commit to respect the IAEA’s findings due in March.
Por tanto, la Comisión debe comprometerse a encontrar fondos adicionales para la alianza.
The Commission must therefore abide by its undertaking to find additional funds for the Alliance.
La UE debe comprometerse plenamente a alcanzar los objetivos propuestos.
The EU must fully commit to achieving the proposed objectives.
Las empresas no son un concepto abstracto y comprometerse trasladar la libertad a la práctica.
Enterprises are not an abstract concept, and getting involved means making freedom a reality.
Por ello, la Comisión no puede comprometerse a un plazo.
For this reason the Commission cannot make any promises regarding a deadline.