
"chapucera" in English

"chapucera" in English
chapucera{adjective feminine}
chapucera{adjective feminine}
amateurish{adj.} [pej.]
Desgraciadamente, hasta la fecha esto solo se ha abordado de forma algo chapucera.
Unfortunately to date this has been approached in an amateurish fashion.
chapucero{adjective masculine}
amateurish{adj.} [pej.]
Desgraciadamente, hasta la fecha esto solo se ha abordado de forma algo chapucera.
Unfortunately to date this has been approached in an amateurish fashion.
Gérard ha trabajado con rapidez, pero no ha sido chapucero ni irreflexivo.
Gérard has worked quickly but he has not been sloppy or careless.
Pero se trata de una simple gestión chapucera y en realidad no debería darse en un banco así.
But that is just shoddy management and really should not occur in a Bank like this.
es un chapucero
he's a shoddy workman
es un chapucero
his work is very slapdash
Es un modo muy chapucero, poco profesional e inaceptable de tratar a esta Asamblea.
This is very sloppy, very amateur and unacceptable as a way to treat this House.
Gérard ha trabajado con rapidez, pero no ha sido chapucero ni irreflexivo.
Gérard has worked quickly but he has not been sloppy or careless.
Esta tendencia a improvisar compromisos chapuceros en la mesa de negociación del Consejo cuando los Estados miembros no logran alcanzar un acuerdo político aceptable es extremadamente preocupante.
This trend towards cobbling together sloppy compromises at the Council negotiating table when Member States cannot reach an acceptable political agreement is extremely worrying.
cheap{adj.} [Amer.] (shoddy)
Consideraciones de vaga conveniencia, mal explicadas y traídas por los pelos conducen a su conclusión precipitada y chapucera.
Far-fetched and poorly explained considerations of questionable relevance lead to a hasty and slipshod conclusion.
No debemos utilizar de nuevo a la industria europea, que ha estado tratando correctamente sus propios problemas, como si fuera un conejillo de Indias; lo contrario sería un sistema chapucero.
We will not be able to use European industry, which has been dealing with its own affairs well, as a guinea pig again unless the system is operated in a slip-shod fashion.

Context examples for "chapucera" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por ese motivo, encuentro muy lamentable que nuestro Parlamento trate esta cuestión de forma tan chapucera.
This is why I find it very regrettable that we in our Parliament treat this issue so shoddily.
Asumo que usted está hablando con Alemania al respecto, ya que hace falta una investigación fundamental al respecto para saber cómo se ha podido gestionar todo de una forma tan chapucera.
I assume that you are talking to Germany in this regard, as there needs to be a fundamental investigation into how everything could have been handled so shoddily.