
"caves" in English

"caves" in English
cavar{transitive verb}
"caves" in Spanish
to cave{transitive verb}
Cuando uno está en un agujero debe dejar de cavar, así que le pido que nos revele todos los detalles.
When in a hole, one should stop digging, and I therefore ask him to give us full disclosure.
Vamos a cavar nuestra propia tumba.
We would be digging our own grave.
la tierra estaba demasiado dura para cavar
the ground was too hard to dig
to burrow[burrowed · burrowed] {v.i.} (in sand, soil)
Hoy, los humanos hemos cavado hondo.
Today we humans have burrowed deep.
cavar(also: excavar)
to burrow[burrowed · burrowed] {v.t.} (hole, passage)
Hoy, los humanos hemos cavado hondo.
Today we humans have burrowed deep.
cavar[cavando · cavado] {transitive verb}
Pero mientras tanto, como dicen ustedes en Eslovenia, hay que "rezar por una buena cosecha, pero hay seguir cavando".
But in the mean time, as you say in Slovenia, 'pray for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing'.
cuevas{f pl}
I saw families living in caves, the walls running with water, and listened to the hacking coughs of children racked with fever.
Vi a familias viviendo en cuevas, en las que caía agua por las paredes, y escuché la tos seca de niños atormentados por la fiebre.
People spend short periods in specifically designated caves or mines, sometimes doing particular physical or breathing exercises.
Las personas pasan períodos cortos en cuevas o minas específicamente designadas, a veces hacen ejercicios físicos o de respiración especiales.
These features differ among caves and mines (for example, there are high levels of radiation in some mines, and different types of humidity).
Estas características varían entre las cuevas y minas (por ejemplo, hay niveles altos de radiación en algunas minas y diferentes tipos de humedad).
cavernas{f pl}
We do not have to go back to the caves, but we must advance to better efficiency.
¡No se trata de volver a las cavernas, sino de avanzar hacia una mayor eficiencia energética!
Ten thousand years ago we were living in caves.
Hace 10 000 años vivíamos en cavernas.
when man dwelled in caves
cuando el hombre habitaba en cavernas
cave(also: den, holt, chamber)
An area of my own country, the dripstone cave of Aggtelek, is also classified as wilderness.
Un paraje de mi propio país, la cueva de estalactitas de Aggtelek, está clasificado también como espacio natural.
Scientists discovered the ancient carving in a cave named Lapa do Santo in central-eastern Brazil.
Los científicos descubrieron esta antigua escultura en una cueva llamada Lapa do Santo, en el centro-este de Brasil.
The project was a precedent for similar interventions in the cave.
El proyecto fue un precedente para otras intervenciones similares dentro de cuevas.
cave(also: cavern, den, grot)
Ten thousand years ago we were living in caves.
Hace 10 000 años vivíamos en cavernas.
We do not have to go back to the caves, but we must advance to better efficiency.
¡No se trata de volver a las cavernas, sino de avanzar hacia una mayor eficiencia energética!
If we cannot even help them, humanitarianism has gone out of the window, and we should return to the caves.
Si ni siquiera somos capaces de ayudarles, quiere decir que el humanitarismo ha salido volando por la ventana y nosotros deberíamos regresar a las cavernas.
espelunca{f} [poet.]
gruta{f} (natural)
sima{f} (cueva)
socavón{m} (cueva)
rupestre{adj.} (pintura, dibujo)

Synonyms (English) for "cave":
Context examples for "caves" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
As the glaciers in North America melted and sea levels rose, so did the water levels in the caves, preserving the traces of human activity in place.
Among those that still had heart tissue, 44 had chunks of calcium stuck to their arteries — indicating clogging.
Until 7,600 years ago, the caves were mostly dry, providing shelter and naturally occurring pools of drinkable water to people and animals living in a region with few rivers.
To determine how common heart disease was in ancient Egypt, scientists performed computer scans on 52 mummies in Cairo and the United States.
Until 7,600 years ago, the caves were mostly dry, providing shelter and naturally occurring pools of drinkable water to people and animals living in a region with few rivers.
Severely impacted by increasing numbers of tourists each year, Orongo has been the focus of an intensive conservation and interpretive program supported by WMF and American Express since 2001.