
"to appal" in Spanish

"to appal" in Spanish
to appal{transitive verb}
to appal{transitive verb} [idiom]
author. - Madam President, the treatment and discrimination of the Rohingya people appals us all.
autor. - Señora Presidenta, el trato y la discriminación a los rohingya nos horroriza a todos.
This is an atrocity that will appal the whole House and the European Union.
Esta es una atrocidad que consterna a toda esta Cámara y a la Unión Europea.
There is a degree of ignorance or naivety that appals me.
Existe tal grado de ignorancia o ingenuidad que me deja consternado.
The crucial challenge for our civilisation at this time is to say that enough is enough, and that it is time to put an end to this situation that appals every one of us.
El reto esencial para nuestra civilización es decir basta, ha llegado el momento de acabar con esta situación que nos consterna a todos.
to appal{verb} [idiom]
espantar{v.t.} [coll.] (uso hiperbólico)