
"all along" in Spanish

"all along" in Spanish
all along{adverb}
You have given away the case that I have supported all along.
Ha revelado usted lo que yo he sostenido todo el tiempo.
We had anticipated this all along.
Lo habíamos anticipado todo el tiempo.
This was the justification, despite what some people were saying all along about the situation.
Esa era la justificación, a pesar de lo que algunas personas decían todo el tiempo sobre la situación.

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Context examples for "all along" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That is why all of this is along the right lines, and why it is extremely important.
Y eso explica porqué todo esto avanza por buen camino, y porqué es tan importante.
All along I have been in dialogue with the industry and this is what it would like.
En todo momento he estado en contacto con el sector, y eso es lo que ellos quisieran.
“We were able to capture and work with the full extent of the image all along the way.
“We were able to capture and work with the full extent of the image all along the way.
It is a threat which I observe in Sweden and, along with all of you, throughout the EU.
Es una amenaza que observo en Suecia y, como todos ustedes, en toda la UE.
We should therefore strengthen all agri-environmental measures along these lines.
Por lo tanto, tenemos que fortalecer todas las medidas agroambientales siguiendo estas líneas.
All along the way, hundreds of thousands of people came to support him.
A lo largo de estos 3000 Km, centenares de personas han venido a apoyarlo.
This bubble has now turned out to be exactly what many people said it was all along.
Esta burbuja ahora ha resultado ser exactamente lo que muchos dijeron que era desde el principio.
We have to play a role along with all the partners that are there.
Tenemos que intervenir conjuntamente con todas las partes implicadas.
I repeat once again, this is something we have said all along.
Repito una vez más que aquí se trata de algo que ya hemos dicho siempre.
An important factor all along has been our focus on producer responsibility.
Un factor importante en todo momento ha sido nuestra concentración en la responsabilidad del productor.
That way we may be sure that this is all along the right lines.
De este modo podremos estar seguros de que todo queda como es debido.
(DE) Mr President, we would all certainly go along with this.
(DE) Señor Presidente, seguramente todos estaremos de acuerdo con eso.
There was absolutely no mention of equality, 'mainstreaming' or anything at all along those lines.
No se hacía ninguna mención a la igualdad o dimensión de género, ni a nada que se le pareciera.
There was absolutely no mention of equality, 'mainstreaming ' or anything at all along those lines.
No se hacía ninguna mención a la igualdad o dimensión de género, ni a nada que se le pareciera.
Have Turkey, Greece and the United Kingdom not had their own agendas all along in the history of Cyprus?
¿Se ha trabajado lo suficiente sobre la confianza entre seres humanos en estos treinta años?
All these factors along the production chain are involved.
Todos estos factores de la cadena de producción están implicados.
This was the justification, despite what some people were saying all along about the situation.
Esa era la justificación, a pesar de lo que algunas personas decían todo el tiempo sobre la situación.
There needs to be a particularly close bond between all these links, along with open communication.
Debe haber un vínculo estrecho entre todos estos enlaces, paralelamente a una comunicación abierta.
All along, I have defended human rights, but human rights are the same all over the world.
En todo momento he defendido los derechos humanos, pero los derechos humanos son los mismos en todo el mundo.
Many amendments were tabled to my draft report, although all of them were along the same lines.
Se han presentado numerosas enmiendas a mi proyecto de informe, todas, sin embargo, en el mismo sentido.