
"acostumbrar" in English

"acostumbrar" in English
Debemos acostumbrar a nuestros ciudadanos a pensar «euro».
We should accustom our citizens to think in euro terms.
Debemos acostumbrar a nuestros ciudadanos a pensar« euro».
We should accustom our citizens to think in euro terms.
Hace sociable al niño, desarrolla su lengua materna y le acostumbra a los sonidos de un idioma extranjero.
It socialises the child, develops his or her mother tongue and accustoms him or her to the sounds of a foreign language.
to train[trained · trained] {v.t.} (accustom)
Ya nos tienen acostumbrados.
They have us well trained.
Fue un poco estresante, porque el participar en la formación general no garantizaba un empleo, y el entrenamiento realmente me sacó de la comodidad a la que estaba acostumbrado.
It was a little stressful because being at general formation didn’t guarantee I was going to get a job and the training really pushed me out of my comfort zone.
Debemos acostumbrar a nuestros ciudadanos a pensar «euro».
We should accustom our citizens to think in euro terms.
Debemos acostumbrar a nuestros ciudadanos a pensar« euro».
We should accustom our citizens to think in euro terms.
Hace sociable al niño, desarrolla su lengua materna y le acostumbra a los sonidos de un idioma extranjero.
It socialises the child, develops his or her mother tongue and accustoms him or her to the sounds of a foreign language.
to get sb used {vb} (to (doing) sth)
acostumbrar a algn a algo
to get sb used to sth

Context examples for "acostumbrar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Por qué no podrían seguir usando los aglutinantes que acostumbrar a usar?
Why should they not be allowed to continue to use the binding agent that they are used to using?
Esto es algo nuevo y nos tendremos que acostumbrar aún a ello.
That is something new and we will have to get used to it.
Debemos acostumbrar a nuestros ciudadanos a pensar «euro».
We should accustom our citizens to think in euro terms.
Debemos acostumbrar a nuestros ciudadanos a pensar« euro».
We should accustom our citizens to think in euro terms.
no me puedo acostumbrar a comer sin sal
I can't get used to eating food without salt
acostumbrar a algn a
to get sb into the habit of -ing
acostumbrar a algn a algo
to get sb used to sth
acostumbrar a algn a algo
to harden sb to sth
to be in the habit of -ing
La UE está de acuerdo con la propaganda de Estados Unidos para acostumbrar a la opinión pública a la posibilidad de una invasión y reclama su parte del botín.
The ΕU goes along with the US propaganda in order to accustom public opinion to the possibility of invasion and claim a share of the spoils.
La UE está de acuerdo con la propaganda de Estados Unidos para acostumbrar a la opinión pública a la posibilidad de una invasión y reclama su parte del botín.
I share the view that Iran should reingage in a human rights dialogue with the EU whilst agreeing with the need to resist nuclear proliferation.