
"sobriety" in Spanish

"sobriety" in Spanish
This is a good thing, although one might have wished to see the discussion extended to energy sobriety and eco-labelling.
Esto es bueno, aunque me habría gustado que el debate se hubiera ampliado a la sobriedad energética y al etiquetado ecológico.
field sobriety test
prueba de sobriedad sobre terreno
It is not for the sake of austerity or sobriety, but we can raise our civilisation to new levels by taking the knowledge-based society seriously.
No es por austeridad, no es por sobriedad, sino porque podemos edificar una civilización de orden superior si tomamos en serio la sociedad del conocimiento.

Synonyms (English) for "sobriety":
Context examples for "sobriety" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Now, sobriety has returned, and a broad civic debate has been promised on Europe's goals, future and responsibilities.
Ahora, con más serenidad, se promete un amplio debate ciudadano sobre las metas, el futuro y las tareas de Europa.
Now, sobriety has returned, and a broad civic debate has been promised on Europe' s goals, future and responsibilities.
Ahora, con más serenidad, se promete un amplio debate ciudadano sobre las metas, el futuro y las tareas de Europa.
field sobriety test
prueba de sobriedad sobre terreno