
"small appliances" in Spanish

"small appliances" in English
Ultimately, this is about collecting and concentrating, for example, stray lead from light bulbs, small radios and small appliances with which we are all familiar.
En última instancia, se trata de recoger y concentrar, por ejemplo, el plomo disperso de las bombillas, pequeñas radios y pequeños aparatos que todos conocemos.
We have no one dumping large refrigerators by the roadside any more, but our small appliances are not being properly disposed of yet.
Ya no se abandonan grandes neveras en las cunetas, pero aún no desechamos bien los pequeños electrodomésticos.

Context examples for "small appliances" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We have no one dumping large refrigerators by the roadside any more, but our small appliances are not being properly disposed of yet.
Ya no se abandonan grandes neveras en las cunetas, pero aún no desechamos bien los pequeños electrodomésticos.
Even the collection of appliances or small components requires the use of energy and can in itself be harmful to the environment.
También la recogida de aparatos o de piezas pequeñas cuesta energía y puede provocar en consecuencia daños medioambientales.
Specifically, we want it to be possible for small appliances, which can easily be thrown into the dustbin, to be handed in free of charge.
En concreto, queremos posibilitar que los aparatos pequeños, que pueden arrojarse fácilmente al cubo de basura, puedan entregarse de forma gratuita.
Ultimately, this is about collecting and concentrating, for example, stray lead from light bulbs, small radios and small appliances with which we are all familiar.
En última instancia, se trata de recoger y concentrar, por ejemplo, el plomo disperso de las bombillas, pequeñas radios y pequeños aparatos que todos conocemos.