
"sin prisas" in English

"sin prisas" in English
sin prisas{adjective}
unhurried{adj.} (meal)
sin prisas{adverb}
unhurriedly{adv.} (eat, stroll)
Debemos hacerlo de forma calmada y sin prisas, con el fin de que todo sea correcto en términos presupuestarios y jurídicos.
We ought to do that calmly and unhurriedly, in order to get everything right in budgetary and legal terms.

Similar translations for "sin prisas" in English
Context examples for "sin prisas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin prisas, pero sin pausas, hemos ido asumiendo poderes y ganado, eso espero, eficacia.
Slowly but steadily we have been taking on powers and becoming, I hope, more effective.
Todas estas cuestiones, sin las prisas, que nos habrían obligado a…
All these issues, without the rush, which we would have had to ...
Creo que nuestro colega tiene razón: debemos combatir el terrorismo sin prisas, pero sin pausa.
I think our colleague is right: it has to be with patience, but also with persistence, that we fight against terrorism.
No obstante, somos contrarios a que esta adhesión se realice con prisas y sin respetar plenamente los criterios fijados.
We are, however, opposed to its accession being rushed through without it fully meeting the set criteria.
Valgámonos de la cooperación reforzada del Tratado, sin prisas enloquecidas que la desvirtúen e impidan su consolidación.
Let us make use of the enhanced cooperation in the Treaty, without a mad rush that could detract from and prevent its consolidation.
vamos a volver sin prisas
we're going to wander back now
Algunas veces, lo más eficaz es el aforismo aparentemente contradictorio, el conocido oxímoron óðåýäå âñáäÝùò ( "apresúrate sin prisas" ) de los antiguos griegos.
Sometimes, the apparently contradictory, oxymoronic Ancient Greek proverb "more haste, less speed" is more efficient.
ir avanzando sin prisas
to jog along
sin prisas
at a leisurely pace