
"sentimentalmente" in English

"sentimentalmente" in English
sentimental{adjective masculine/feminine}
sentimental{adjective masculine/feminine}
En este tema no se necesitan disquisiciones morales ni portavoces sentimentales.
No legal or moral disquisition or sentimental spokespersons are called for on this subject.
no te pongas sentimental que me vas a hacer llorar
don't get all sentimental or you'll make me cry
No hay ninguna duda de que es necesario desarrollar dicha función, y no sólo por motivos históricos o sentimentales.
Clearly that role needs to be developed, not just for historical or sentimental reasons.
soft-centered{adj.} (sentimental)
soft-centred{adj.} [Brit.] (sentimental)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "sentimental":
Context examples for "sentimentalmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
unida sentimentalmente a …
romantically involved with …
Sin embargo, es interesante comprobar que, sentimentalmente, los estados soberanos acostumbran a considerar a las reservas de oro como la reserva más segura para situaciones de emergencia.
We do however have a point on gold reserves. These carry with them a high emotional charge and tend to be seen as the safest form of emergency reserve for an independent nation.