
"sensitized" in Spanish

"sensitized" in Spanish
to sensitize{transitive verb}
to sensitize the educator to the needs of students
sensibilizar al educador frente a las necesidades de los alumnos
we must sensitize people to the problem
debemos sensibilizar a la población acerca del problema
We have been sensitized, and not only as regards the dependence or independence of UCLAF.
Se nos ha sensibilizado no sólo en lo que respecta a la dependencia o independencia de la UCLAF.

Context examples for "sensitized" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For this reason those who create advertising must be sensitized.
Por esta razón es preciso realizar una tarea de sensibilización entre los hacedores de la publicidad.
a highly sensitized photographic film
una película de alta sensibilidad
If someone becomes sensitized to nickel, then, of course, if they ever come into contact with it subsequently, they can be subject to a very severe reaction.
Si alguien resulta alérgico al níquel y entra en contacto con él, puede sufrir, naturalmente, una reacción muy grave.