
"seducido" in English

"seducido" in English
seducido{adjective masculine}
seducido{adjective masculine}
Déjales que coman y se diviertan, seducidos por la esperanza [de goces triviales]: pues, en su momento, habrán de saber [la verdad].
Leave them to eat and enjoy the good things of life and let hope beguile them, but they shall come to know!
--y les sedujo con pensamientos engañosos.
And so he beguiled them by deceit.
seducir[seduciendo · seducido] {transitive verb}
Radiante y grácil, la silueta de la artista seduce al público desde el primer momento.
Alighting onto the stage, the artist's gracious silhouette immediately captivates the imagination.
seducir por el Eterno", repitiendo la palabra del antiguo profeta: "Me
yourselves be seduced by the Eternal One", repeating the words of the
¡A muchos [otros] seres humanos habéis seducido con engaño
You have taken much toll of (seduced, exploited) mankind.
Me temo, Presidente Aznar, que no consigo sacarme de la cabeza esa imagen de sus esfuerzos por seducir a la "Carmen" de Tony Blair.
I am afraid, Prime Minister Aznar, I cannot get out of my mind this image of you endeavouring to seduce "Carmen" Tony Blair.
Para paliar esta penuria, el ponente se conforma con seducir a los poseedores de capitales privados con subvenciones suplementarias.
In order to overcome this scarcity, the rapporteur is happy simply to tempt those with private capital with additional subsidies.
En cuanto a las medicinas naturales y a la homeopatía, me seducen, pero me dejan escéptico.
As to gentle and homeopathic medicines, these attract me but also leave me sceptical.
Me sedujo el camino tan evangélico de este hombre.
I was attracted by his evangelical actions.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "seducido":
Context examples for "seducido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
has seducido, Señor...; me has agarrado y me has podido" (Jr
ancient prophet: "You duped me, O Lord ... you were too strong for me and
¡A muchos [otros] seres humanos habéis seducido con engaño
You have taken much toll of (seduced, exploited) mankind.
Señora Presidenta, señor Presidente de la Comisión, señora Comisaria, señores Comisarios, su inspirado discurso, señor Prodi, me ha seducido.
Madam President, Mr President of the Commission, Commissioners, your inspiring speech, Mr Prodi, has quite won me over.
Señor Presidente, yo soy uno de los que han apreciado la intervención de la Presidencia, pero me temo que ni me ha seducido ni me ha convencido.
Mr President, I was one of those who appreciated the Presidency’s speech, but I am afraid I was neither seduced nor convinced.
seducido por la idea
seduced by the idea
--como aquel a quien los demonios han seducido al desatino de las pasiones terrenales, mientras sus compañeros, tratando de guiarle, le llaman [de lejos]: ‘¡Ven a nosotros
'" Say, "Verily, Allah's guidance is true Guidance, and we are bidden to surrender unto the Lord of the Worlds.
Señor Presidente, yo soy uno de los que han apreciado la intervención de la Presidencia, pero me temo que ni me ha seducido ni me ha convencido.
In the coming weeks, the Council, the Commission and Parliament will have to face difficult issues: the liberalisation of services, the Financial Perspective and agriculture.
En verdad, los que dan la espalda [a este mensaje] después de habérseles mostrado claramente la guía, [lo hacen porque] Satán les ha seducido y les ha llenado de falsas esperanzas:
Surely those who turn their backs after guidance has become manifest to them, Satan has seduced them, and He gives them reign (or Satan gives them false hopes).