
"school environment" in Spanish

"school environment" in English

Similar translations for "school environment" in Spanish
Context examples for "school environment" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The quality of the school environment and teaching are prerequisites to efficiency.
La calidad del entorno y de la enseñanza escolar son condiciones previas para la eficiencia.
It is high time that crucifixes, which were imposed in classrooms under Mussolini, were withdrawn from the state school environment.
Es hora de que los crucifijos, que fueron impuestos en las aulas por Mussolini, sean retirados de las escuelas públicas.
It is in the interest of these children and their future that they are reintegrated without any problems related to changing their school environment.
Va en interés de estos niños y de su futuro que se reintegren sin problemas que estén relacionados con el cambio de entorno escolar.
They are cleaners - you have mentioned prison officers - but I should also like to mention people working in the school environment, in all areas of medicine in schools.
Son el personal de limpieza -usted ha mencionado a funcionarios de prisiones-, pero también me gustaría mencionar a los trabajadores del ámbito escolar, en todas las áreas de la medicina escolar.