
"reorganizarse" in English

to reorganize{v.i.} (army, party)
El Consejo tiene que reorganizarse al igual que nosotros si quiere cumplir con su papel de legislador.
In this area, the Council, just like Parliament, needs to reorganize itself if it is to fulfil its legislative role.
La parroquia está intentando reorganizarse.
The parish tries to reorganize itself.
to jigger {v.t.} (adjust)
to reconstitute {v.t.} (society, company)
to reorder[reordered · reordered] {v.t.} (paragraphs, files, hierarchy)
Incumbe a las autoridades nacionales el reorganizar sus prioridades, de ser necesario a la luz de las necesidades que han expuesto.
It is up to the national authorities to re-order their priorities if necessary in the light of the needs that have been expressed.
to reshuffle {v.t.} (management)
El Presidente podrá reorganizar el reparto de dichas responsabilidades durante el mandato.
The President may reshuffle the allocation of those responsibilities during the Commission's term of office.
El Presidente reparte las distintas responsabilidades entre los comisarios y podrá reorganizar dicho reparto a lo largo de su mandato.
The President allocates responsibilities to the Members of the Commission and may reshuffle the allocation of those responsibilities during the Commission's term of office.
La segunda cosa que hemos hecho es reorganizar plenamente la Dirección General XXIII.
The second thing we did was to completely reorganize DG XXIII.
Te recomendamos que utilices el administrador de marcadores si vas a reorganizar los marcadores en diferentes carpetas.
You may want to use the bookmark manager if you're reorganizing bookmarks into different folders.
Es como empezar de nuevo: una oportunidad de reorganizar tus archivos, fotos y todo lo que hay en tu equipo.
It’s a clean slate, a chance to reorganize your files, photos, and everything else that you’ve crammed onto your computer.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "reorganizar":
Context examples for "reorganizarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La ayuda al desarrollo debe revisarse, reorganizarse y reestructurarse en colaboración con los países en desarrollo.
Development aid must be reviewed, reorganised and restructured together with the developing countries.
El Consejo tiene que reorganizarse al igual que nosotros si quiere cumplir con su papel de legislador.
In this area, the Council, just like Parliament, needs to reorganize itself if it is to fulfil its legislative role.
Se anima a mantener los esfuerzos dirigidos a dar a UNITA tiempo y espacio para reorganizarse y convertirse en una fuerza política viable.
Continued efforts to allow UNITA time and space to reorganise and become a viable political force are encouraged.
Los archivos podrían reorganizarse cuando se actualice cualquier información multimedia de los mismos (ya sea manualmente o automáticamente mediante el Reproductor).
Your files will potentially be rearranged when any media information in them is updated (either manually by you or automatically by the Player).
Las finanzas públicas deben reorganizarse con el único objetivo de reducir la deuda pública hasta un nivel arbitrario del 60 % del PIB, y los déficits, básicamente, deben suprimirse.
Public finances are to be reorganised with the single focus of bringing public debt down to an arbitrary 60% of GDP, and deficits are basically to be ruled out.
Puesto que se trata de una política fundamental, ha de reorganizarse, con el fin de adaptarse y satisfacer las necesidades específicas y la realidad socioeconómica que resultarán de la ampliación.
As this policy is crucial, it therefore needs to be reorganised, to be adapted to and meet the specific needs and socio-economic reality that will result from enlargement.
La parroquia está intentando reorganizarse.
Now the rain returns sporadically and occasionally very strong. Life is hard for those who only have a small protective metal sheet or other. The parish tries to reorganize itself.