
"renta anual" in English

"renta anual" in English

Similar translations for "renta anual" in English
Context examples for "renta anual" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si África pudiese aumentar su cuota del comercio mundial del 2% a no más del 3%, su renta anual aumentaría en 70 000 millones de dólares estadounidenses.
If Africa can increase its share in world trade from 2 to no more than 3%, its annual income will increase by USD 70 billion.
Si África pudiese aumentar su cuota del comercio mundial del 2 % a no más del 3 %, su renta anual aumentaría en 70 000 millones de dólares estadounidenses.
That is very much apparent from the example of China – about which we will have a debate tomorrow – but also from Brazil and, of course, from India.
Vengo de un país, Gales, donde la renta anual de algunos agricultores, especialmente en las áreas menos favorecidas, un 80% de nuestra nación, no llega a los 6.000 euros.
I come from a country, Wales, where the per annum income of some of our farmers, especially in the less-favoured areas, 80% of our nation, is as low now as EUR 6 000.
Vengo de un país, Gales, donde la renta anual de algunos agricultores, especialmente en las áreas menos favorecidas, un 80 % de nuestra nación, no llega a los 6.000 euros.
I come from a country, Wales, where the per annum income of some of our farmers, especially in the less-favoured areas, 80 % of our nation, is as low now as EUR 6 000.
Fischler señaló que no podemos someter a los agricultores a una reducción del subsidio a la renta superior al 3 % anual.
Yesterday, in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Fischler noted that we cannot subject the farmers to a drop of more than 3 % per annum in income allowances.
No podemos permitir que siga siendo posible que la vaca lechera media europea tenga una renta anual mayor, gracias a las subvenciones comunitarias, que la mitad de la población mundial.
We can no longer continue with a situation where the average European dairy cow now has a bigger annual income, thanks to European subsidies, than half of the world's population.
Además, debemos reducir o cancelar la ayuda europea a los países que se nieguen a reducir los gastos militares y sigan usando más del 1 % de su renta anual en armamento y en el ejército.
In addition we must reduce or cancel European aid for those countries who refuse to reduce military spending and continue to spend more than 1 % of their annual income on arms and armies.