
"rags" in Spanish

chiros{m} [Col.]
hilachos{noun} [Mex.] [coll.] (ropa)
trapería{f} (trapos)
trapos{noun} [coll.] (ropa vieja)
some old rags to wipe the brushes on
unos trapos viejos para limpiar los pinceles
clad in rags
cubierto de harapos
garra{f} [Mex.] [coll.] (vieja)
garras{f pl} [LAm.] [slg.] (harapos)
rag(also: tatter)
The publication of this rag has been temporarily banned, but the damage has been done, as has already been said.
Se ha prohibido temporalmente la publicación de este harapo, pero el daño ya está hecho, como ya se ha dicho.
rag(also: cloth)
guaipe{m} [Chile] [coll.]
rag(also: cloth)
huaipe{m} [Chile] [coll.]
guiñapo{m} (harapo)
hilacho{m} [Mex.] [coll.] (trapo)
huila{f} [Chile] (jirón, andrajo)
pasquín{m} [LAm.] [coll.] (periódico)
pingajo{m} [Spa.] [coll.]
zarria{f} [Spa.] [coll.] (trapo)
andrajo{m} (ropa vieja)
Chocolate is a sweet seduction; for some it is a sin, for the European Union it is a red rag to a bull.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, el chocolate es una dulce tentación, para algunos es un vicio y para la Unión Europea es un trapo rojo.
folletín{m} (revista mala)
tira{f} [Chile] [coll.] (prenda)
periodicucho{m} [pej.]
to rag sb
hacerle una novatada a algn

Context examples for "rags" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are talking about terrorists, but there are thousands arriving in small boats dressed in rags.
Hablamos de terroristas, pero son miles los que llegan desharrapados en pateras.
his was a classic rags-to-riches story
el suyo fue el clásico caso del pobre que hace fortuna
the streets were full of people dressed in rags
las calles estaban llenas de desharrapados
some old rags to wipe the brushes on
unos trapos viejos para limpiar los pinceles
a dirty-looking man, dressed in rags
un hombre harapiento y sucio
she was dressed in rags and tatters
iba harapienta y andrajosa
he goes around in rags all the time
siempre anda tilichento
she put on her glad rags
se puso de tiros largos
they dress in rags
se visten con huilas
clad in rags
cubierto de harapos