
"psychiatric hospital" in Spanish

Eventually, Mr Karimov was found in a psychiatric hospital, and Mr Khaidarov in a prison.
Finalmente, el señor Karímov ha sido hallado en un hospital psiquiátrico y el señor Jaidarov, en la cárcel.
he was shut away in a psychiatric hospital
fue recluido en un psiquiátrico
When these two men were located a few days later, one had received a prison sentence for blackmail, and the other had been committed to a psychiatric hospital.
Cuando fueron localizados unos días más tarde, uno de ellos había sido condenado a prisión por extorsión y el otro estaba confinado en un hospital psiquiátrico.
sanatorio{m} [Col.] (hospital psiquiátrico)

Similar translations for "psychiatric hospital" in Spanish
Context examples for "psychiatric hospital" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I was head of a psychiatric hospital for some years and many of our patients were alcohol-dependent.
Gran parte de los pacientes que debíamos atender eran personas que se encontraban bajo la dependencia del alcohol.
he was shut away in a psychiatric hospital
fue recluido en un psiquiátrico
to commit sb to an psychiatric hospital
internar a algn en un manicomio