
"protective shield" in Spanish

"protective shield" in English

Context examples for "protective shield" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That requires laws and measures as a protective shield for their interests.
Eso requiere leyes y medidas como escudo de protección para sus intereses.
Others are fretting about not being able to benefit more from the protective shield provided by the euro.
Otros se muestran inquietos por el hecho de no poder beneficiarse del escudo protector del euro.
This International Criminal Court is, in fact, needed to do away with this protective shield of impunity.
Efectivamente, para acabar con el cristal blindado de la impunidad hace falta este Tribunal Penal Internacional.
Its sound management has provided a protective shield against the crisis and a platform for non-inflationary growth.
Su cabal gestión ha proporcionado un escudo protector frente a la crisis y una plataforma para un crecimiento no inflacionario.
All the Member States would have been in a much more difficult situation without the European Union and its protective shield.
Todos los Estados miembros habría estado en una situación mucho más difícil sin la Unión Europea y sin su escudo protector.
With the texts which we are debating today and will vote on tomorrow, we are building a protective shield here in Europe for the citizens.
Con los textos que estamos debatiendo hoy y que someteremos a votación mañana, estamos construyendo un escudo protector en Europa para los ciudadanos.
This gives meaning to the EU's protective shield and to membership in the internal market, which represents a significant challenge, particularly for the less developed Member States.
Esto da sentido al escudo protector de la UE y a la pertenencia al mercado interior, que supone un reto importante, en particular para los Estados miembros menos desarrollados.