
"prepotente" in English

Me siento un poco avergonzado por culpa del Consejo a causa del público que nos visita, puesto que han sido testigos del lado negativo, del lado prepotente de Europa.
I am a little ashamed on its behalf on account of the members of the public up there, as this is the negative side, the arrogant side of Europe.
Me parece típico de la actitud prepotente que adoptan cuando están en juego sus intereses comerciales.
It seems to me to be typical of the high-handed way in which it behaves when its trade interests are at stake.
pushy{adj.} [coll.]
no seas prepotente
don't be so pushy

Context examples for "prepotente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es un punto de vista prepotente, cuando lo que debemos buscar es la originalidad cultural.
This is a grandiose view, whereas we must look towards cultural originality.
Me parece típico de la actitud prepotente que adoptan cuando están en juego sus intereses comerciales.
It seems to me to be typical of the high-handed way in which it behaves when its trade interests are at stake.
Más que haber ejercido sus facultades discrecionales, la Comisión parece haber actuado de forma completamente prepotente.
Rather than exercise its discretion, the Commission seems to have acted completely high-handedly.
Creo que es erróneo, o incluso casi prepotente decir que ha sido «solamente» una Presidencia de transición.
Some people seem to believe, wrongly in my view, arrogantly and I might almost say superciliously, that this was 'only' an interim presidency.
Creo que es erróneo, o incluso casi prepotente decir que ha sido« solamente» una Presidencia de transición.
Some people seem to believe, wrongly in my view, arrogantly and I might almost say superciliously, that this was 'only ' an interim presidency.
no seas prepotente
don't be so pushy
No obstante, en los países candidatos se advierte, igualmente prepotente, una creciente ansiedad por la falta de un calendario concreto y comprometido.
However, there are equally clear signs in the candidate countries of growing concern over the lack of a clear, binding timetable for accession.
La segunda paradoja reside en que los sistemas privados y los intereses fuera de Europa actúan de forma prepotente contra las instituciones europeas y los Estados miembros.
The second paradox is that private schemes and interests outside Europe are acting high-handedly against European institutions and Member States.