
"postres" in English

"postres" in English
postres{masculine plural}
postrar{transitive verb}
postres{masculine plural}
desde fresquísimos pescados a deliciosos postres, todo ello exquisitamente presentado
from the freshest of fish to delicious desserts, all beautifully presented
los postres estuvieron tan buenos como el resto de la comida
the desserts were just as good as the rest of the meal
los postres demasiado dulces me producen empalago
I find excessively sweet desserts cloying
postrar[postrando · postrado] {transitive verb}
Parece que en Europa la Derecha se ha postrado a los pies de los Estados Unidos.
The Right in Europe seems to be lying prostrate before the United States.
¿Qué te impide estar entre los que se han postrado?
What ails you that you are not among the prostrate?
Entonces, los ángeles se postraron todos juntos,
So the angels fell prostrate in obeisance, all of them together,

Synonyms (Spanish) for "postrar":
Context examples for "postres" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
a los postres pronunció el discurso
he made his speech during the dessert course
trajo el carrito de los postres
she wheeled in the dessert trolley