
"prostrate" in Spanish

"prostrate" in Spanish
to prostrate{transitive verb}
postrado{adj. m}
The Right in Europe seems to be lying prostrate before the United States.
Parece que en Europa la Derecha se ha postrado a los pies de los Estados Unidos.
What ails you that you are not among the prostrate?
¿Qué te impide estar entre los que se han postrado?
he was prostrate with exhaustion
estaba postrado de cansancio
procumbente{adj. m/f} [bot.]
The Right in Europe seems to be lying prostrate before the United States.
Parece que en Europa la Derecha se ha postrado a los pies de los Estados Unidos.
What ails you that you are not among the prostrate?
¿Qué te impide estar entre los que se han postrado?
So the angels fell prostrate in obeisance, all of them together,
Entonces, los ángeles se postraron todos juntos,

Synonyms (English) for "prostrate":
Context examples for "prostrate" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
that: "Since there are so many people prostrate with hunger in the world,
oprimidos actualmente por el hambre en el mundo, el sacro Concilio urge a todos,
And those who pass the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing;
y los que rezan: "¡Oh Sustentador nuestro, aparta de nosotros el castigo del infierno!
And your postures (or movements) among those who prostrate themselves (in obeisance).
pues, ¡en verdad, sólo Él todo lo oye, es omnisciente!
And unto Allah do prostrate whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows in the morning and the evening.
Di: “¿Quién es el Sustentador de los cielos y de la tierra?
And when We said to the angels, "Prostrate yourselves before Adam," they prostrated themselves, save Iblis, who refused.
y entonces dijimos: “¡Oh Adán!
he fell prostrate before the emperor
se postró ante el emperador
she is prostrate with grief
está totalmente abatida por la pena
he was prostrate with exhaustion
estaba postrado de cansancio
Said he, "Why should I prostrate myself before a mortal whom you have created from potter's (sound emitting) clay of black mud wrought into form.
[Iblís] replicó: “¡No soy yo quien deba postrarme ante un ser humano, al que has creado de arcilla sonora, de cieno oscuro transmutado!
Say, "Believe you therein, or believe not; verily, those who were given the knowledge before it, when it is read to them fall down prostrate upon their faces, adoring,.
Di: “Creed en él o no creáis.
Only they believe in Our revelations who, when they are reminded of them, fall down prostrate (in obeisance) and celebrate the praise of their Lord, and they are not proud.
[y] que se ven impelidos a abandonar sus lechos [en la noche] para invocar a su Sustentador con temor y anhelo; y que de lo que les damos como sustento gastan en los demás.