
"postgraduate course" in Spanish

"postgraduate course" in Spanish
postgraduate course
curso de postgrado

Context examples for "postgraduate course" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mathieu is French and living in Belgium where he is doing a 2‑year post-graduate course.
Mathieu es francés y vive en Bélgica, donde hace un curso de posgraduado de dos años de duración.
Postgraduate Course in Accessibility and Design for Everybody (online)-- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
FELLOWSHIPS - Ironbridge Institute (United Kingdom) Applications for 2011-2012 now being accepted.
These refer to an initiative for a post-graduate course for a European master's degree in human rights and democracy.
Se refieren a una iniciativa sobre un curso de posgrado para una licenciatura en derechos humanos y democracia.
These students will receive an average of EUR1600 per month to study on a postgraduate course within Erasmus Mundus.
Los estudiantes beneficiarios recibirán en promedio 1600 euros al mes para cursar un tercer ciclo en el marco de Erasmus Mundus.
The International Postgraduate Course on "Heritage and Sustainable Tourism" Combines distance and required attendance classes.
Con modalidad presencial y a distancia: Posgrado 2011 en Patrimonio y Turismo Sostenible de la Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural Untref/Aamnba.
postgraduate course
curso de postgrado
These students will receive an average of EUR 1 600 per month to study on a postgraduate course within Erasmus Mundus.
Mil profesores o investigadores del mundo entero podrán viajar a universidades europeas para misiones de enseñanza o de investigación de unos tres meses en promedio.