
"pequeño agricultor" in English

"pequeño agricultor" in English

Context examples for "pequeño agricultor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De nada sirve echar las culpas al agricultor grande en detrimento del agricultor pequeño.
It is no good just blaming the large farmer versus the small farmer.
Chirac, en esencia, al proteger al pequeño agricultor francés, tiene secuestrado al mundo entero.
In essence, Chirac, by protecting the little French farmer, is holding the world to ransom.
Esta es una medicina que perjudica al pequeño agricultor.
That is a remedy which inflicts further damage on small farmers.
Un agricultor normal, pequeño o grande, que hoy compra piensos no tiene ni una sola posibilidad razonable de saber qué contienen.
Whether their farms be large or small, ordinary farmers buying feedingstuffs cannot at present be reasonably expected to know what these contain.
un pequeño agricultor
a peasant farmer
Por tanto, un pequeño agricultor que no respete una de las muchas directivas –entre otras, la Directiva Aves– vería amputadas sus ayudas, y por tanto su renta.
A small farmer who failed to comply with one of a very large number of directives, including the Loiseau directive, would have his aids, and therefore his income, cut off.
Por tanto, un pequeño agricultor que no respete una de las muchas directivas – entre otras, la Directiva Aves– vería amputadas sus ayudas, y por tanto su renta.
A small farmer who failed to comply with one of a very large number of directives, including the Loiseau directive, would have his aids, and therefore his income, cut off.
Según informaciones recientes, las subvenciones agrícolas europeas no van a parar al pequeño agricultor, sino a adinerados terratenientes, la mayoría de ellos pertenecientes a la nobleza.
According to recent reports, a substantial proportion of European farm subsidies is paid not to small farmers but to wealthy large land-owners, mostly of aristocratic origin.