
"paintings" in Spanish

"paintings" in Spanish
pinturas{m pl}
We took paintings from a recent auction that would have been affected by this proposal.
Tomamos unas pinturas de una reciente subasta que se habría visto afectada por esta propuesta.
The course participants will be recording and documenting wall paintings, sculptural tombs and vaults.
Los participantes podrán recopilar y documentar pinturas murales, tumbas esculturales y cámaras.
These categories of cultural goods include paintings - Category 3 - and drawings - Category 4.
Entre esas categorías de bienes culturales figuran con el número 3 las pinturas y con el número 4 los dibujos.
Why does my paint have to be inspected?
¿Por qué debe ser vigilada mi pintura?
Another important point is the question of the pesticidal paint.
Otro aspecto importante es la cuestión de la pintura antivegetativa.
Margarine and a few kilos of paint which, in principle, do not present risks, led to a genuine disaster.
La margarina y unos kilos de pintura que, en principio, no planteaban riesgos, provocaron una verdadera catástrofe.
In art, the paintings of Gustav Klimt from the late 1800s are widely admired.
En arte, la pintura modernista de Gustav Klimt es admirada universalmente.
sculpture and painting are the main features of this exhibition
escultura y pintura son protagonistas en esta exposición
I recognize the characteristics of Dutch paintings described by the distinguished Member Mr Barón Crespo.
Reconozco las características de la pintura holandesa descritas por el señor diputado Barón Crespo.
the painting was thought to be worth approximately …
al cuadro se le suponía un valor aproximado de …
many different colors are blended together in the painting
una gran variedad de colores se confunden en el cuadro
an important painting is to go under the hammer at next Tuesday's sale
el martes que viene se subastará un cuadro importante
tela{f} (cuadro)
he's been painting away all morning
se ha pasado toda la mañana pintando
he's painting a picture
está pintando un cuadro
he's doing a painting
está pintando un cuadro

Synonyms (English) for "paint":
Context examples for "paintings" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The financial threshold for paintings is 150, 000 ECU and for drawings 15, 000 ECU.
A aquellas se les señala un baremo de 150.000 ecus. A estos otros de 15.000 ecus.
In this display, Ben Johnson will be completing one of his paintings in public.
Cusco (Perú) “Khoka, (La Planta) vocablo aymara con el cual fue denominada en sus orígenes”.
Le Pigeon aux petits pois by Pablo Picasso, and La Pastorale, by Matisse are some of the most looked for paintings.
La exposición en el museo canadiense de la Civilización explora la cultura vibrante de la Haida.
the paintings on show are the property of the foundation
los cuadros exhibidos son propiedad de la fundación
we mustn't let the paintings out of the country
no debemos permitir que los cuadros salgan del país
the paintings are not shown off to their best advantage
los cuadros no lucen todo lo que podrían
the paintings had been in storage for many years
los cuadros llevaban muchos años en depósito
the paintings had been in store for many years
los cuadros llevaban muchos años en depósito
his paintings are charming period pieces
sus cuadros son deliciosas estampas de época
the paintings were salvaged from the fire
los cuadros fueron rescatados del incendio
those paintings just don't look right in here
esos cuadros aquí no pegan ni con cola
she puts her whole self into those paintings
vuelca todo su ser en esos cuadros
of the 25 paintings which were sold?
de los 25 cuadros ¿cuáles se vendieron?
those paintings just don't go in here
esos cuadros aquí no pegan ni con cola
the room houses 19th century paintings
la sala aloja pinturas decimonónicas
the less valuable of the two paintings
el menos valioso de los dos cuadros
paintings that celebrate nature
pinturas que son un canto a la naturaleza
paintings that celebrate nature
pinturas que son una loa a la naturaleza
she uses a lot of blue in her paintings
carga sus cuadros al azul
The ancient covers, which are made of wood and coated with a layer of plaster, are adorned with breathtaking decorations and paintings of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Los ataúdes fueron llevados para examinarlos bajo la sospecha de que eran propiedad robada.