
"oros" in English

Los jugadores, apodados Oro 1, Azul 2, Oro 3, Azul 4, juegan en parejas.
Players—dubbed Gold 1, Blue 2, Gold 3, Blue 4—work in paired teams.
Porque el problema no reside realmente en el cianuro, sino en el oro.
The reason is that the problem is not actually with cyanide but with gold.
El 15% son en oro, y el 85% restantes están constituidas por dólares y yenes.
Of that, 15% are in gold, while the remaining 85% consist of US dollars and yen.
Segundo:¿las reservas en oro se trasladarán físicamente a Francfort, sí o no?
Secondly, will exchange reserves in gold be physically transferred to Frankfurt or not?
“Si no --¿por qué no le han sido impuestos brazaletes de oro?
But why have not bracelets of gold been put upon him, or why have there not come with him angels as companions?
Mucha de esta chatarra contiene niveles de oro y plata más elevados que el del mineral de una mina de oro o plata.
Much of this scrap contains higher levels of gold and silver than is contained in the ore in a gold or silver mine.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "oro":
Context examples for "oros" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto vale tanto para el pueblo albano como para oros pueblos que intentan alcanzar a través de Albania este paraíso que parece ser la Unión Europea.
This applies both to the Albanian people and to the people of other areas who attempt, via Albania, to reach the land of milk and honey represented by the European Union.
Estos territorios incluyen las Islas Åland, pertenecientes a Finlandia, las Islas del Canal, las Canarias, Agios Oros en Grecia y los departamentos franceses en el exterior.
Such territories include the Åland Islands, which belong to Finland, the Channel Islands, the Canaries, Agios Oros in Greece and the overseas French departments.