
"opening hours" in Spanish

"opening hours" in English
{only plural}
{only plural}
Opening hours
Horario de apertura

Context examples for "opening hours" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Opening hours to the publicMonday-Friday 09:00-12:00
Horario de atención telefónicaLunes-Jueves: 07.30 a 12.30 - 13.30 a 16.00Viernes:07.30 a 12.30
Opening hours: 8.30am until 11.30am and 1.30pm until 4.30pm Access map of the CFC in Berne Size: 72 kb | Type: PDF
Plano de situación de la CFC en Berna Size: 70 kb | Type: PDF
Library opening hours, monday to friday 10-19.
Library opening hours, monday to friday 10-19.
Hence our plea in Amendment No 1 that account should be taken of this in setting shop opening hours.
De ahí que hagamos un llamamiento, en la enmienda nº 1, para que se tenga en cuenta esta premisa a la hora de regular los horarios de los comercios.
I have a question for Commissioner Van Miert about his views on legislation concerning zoning and opening hours.
Quiero formular una pregunta al Comisario Van Miert sobre su visión en relación con la ordenación territorial y los horarios de apertura.
opening hours: nine until two
horario de ventanilla: de nueve a dos
hours of opening
horario de atención al público
Opening hours of the library with EDC: Reading rooms and information: Monday - Saturday 8.00 - 22.00; only reading rooms: Sunday 9.00 - 20.00
Opening hours of the library with EDC: Reading rooms and information: Monday - Saturday 8.00 - 22.00; only reading rooms: Sunday 9.00 - 20.00
hours of opening
horario comercial
Opening hours
Horario de apertura
The rapporteur is justifiably critical of the fact that opening hours and zoning laws are classified in the Green Paper as admission thresholds.
La ponente critica con razón que los horarios de apertura y las medidas de ordenación del espacio son calificadas en el Libro Verde de restricciones al acceso.
Some of the points raised were really pedantic, for example when it was claimed that opening hours at sports facilities were not in line with women's interests.
Existen algunas normas generales, por ejemplo en lo que respecta a los horarios de utilización de las instalaciones deportivas, que no siempre tratan de manera equitativa a las mujeres.
In other words: creches, school help, home help, medical help, shop opening hours, flexible working arrangements, teleworking, etc.
O sea: guarderías, apoyo escolar, apoyo domiciliario, apoyo médico, horarios de comercio, flexibilidad del régimen laboral, teletrabajo, etc. -educar desde edad temprana para la igualdad y la paz.