
"obsequies" in English

"obsequies" in English
obsequiar{transitive verb}
"obsequies" in Spanish
obsequiar a algn con algo
to give sb sth
obsequiar algo a algn
to give sb sth
Señor Presidente, el mayor obsequio que podemos dar a un niño es un hogar feliz.
Mr President, the greatest gift that we can give to any child is that of a happy home.
exequias{f} [form.]
The non-ordained faithful may lead the ecclesiastical obsequies provided
Los fieles no ordenados pueden animar las exequias eclesiásticas sólo
The non-ordained faithful may lead the ecclesiastical obsequies provided that there is a true absence of sacred ministers and that they adhere to the prescribed liturgical norms.
Los fieles no ordenados pueden animar las exequias eclesiásticas sólo en caso de verdadera falta de un ministro ordenado y observando las normas litúrgicas para el caso.