
"no lo entiendo" in English

"no lo entiendo" in English
beyond me[idiom]
Señor Presidente, no lo entiendo, aparte de que me parece inaceptable.
Mr President, this is beyond me. This is also unacceptable, in my view.

Context examples for "no lo entiendo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero lo que ocurre en Londres, señor Presidente, sencillamente, no lo entiendo.
But what is going on in London, Mr President, I just do not understand.
El Comisario comprenderá que no lo entiendo en un sentido satírico.
The Commissioner will understand that I do not mean this in a Swiftian sense.
Señor Presidente, no lo entiendo, aparte de que me parece inaceptable.
Mr President, this is beyond me. This is also unacceptable, in my view.
Simplemente no lo entiendo, ni me parece que esta Cámara pueda aguantarlo sin chistar.
I simply do not get it, and I do not see this as something that this House can take lying down.
Yo no lo entiendo, y no lo entiende nadie, porque no lo explican.
I do not understand it, and nor does anybody else, because no explanation has been given.
Personalmente no lo entiendo y desearía que, mañana, fuéramos un poco más razonables.
Personally, I do not understand this and I would hope that we are a little more reasonable in the future.
He presenciado todo el debate y aún no lo entiendo mejor.
I have been sitting through this whole debate here and still do not understand it any better.
No lo entiendo, cuando se habla de mismas posibilidades.
I do not understand that if you are talking about equal opportunity.
No lo entiendo. Si no decidimos el aplazamiento, perdemos en este momento un medio de presión.
I cannot understand that, because if we do not vote for a postponement, we shall lose the leverage we have at this time.
Sinceramente no lo entiendo: ¿por qué se niega la Comisión a hacer por los seísmos lo que ya hizo por las inundaciones?
I honestly do not understand: why does the Commission refuse to do for earthquakes what it did for floods?
– Señor Presidente, no lo entiendo muy bien.
MrPresident, I did not quite understand.
– Señor Presidente, no lo entiendo muy bien.
Mr President, I did not quite understand.
Señor Presidente, si recurre a mí para intentar entender el voto irlandés al Tratado de Lisboa, mire hacia otro lado: no lo entiendo.
Mr President, if you are looking to me to make sense of the Irish vote on the Lisbon Treaty, look away: I cannot.
Sinceramente, no lo entiendo.
To tell you the truth, I do not understand.
De verdad, eso no lo entiendo.
I really cannot see any sense in that.
Francamente no lo entiendo.
I simply cannot see the reason for this.
Sencillamente, no lo entiendo.
I simply do not understand this.
Yo francamente no lo entiendo.
I really cannot understand that.
De verdad que no lo entiendo.
I really cannot understand this.
Sencillamente, no lo entiendo.
I simply do not understand it.