
"movimiento ecologista" in English

"movimiento ecologista" in English
El movimiento ecologista debería dejar de exigir que se ponga fin a la pesca.
The environmental movement should get around to withdrawing its demands for an end to fishing.
El movimiento ecologista está decepcionado con Suecia por no defender los asuntos medioambientales.
The environmental movement is disappointed with Sweden for not standing up for environmental issues.
En mi tierra natal, la visión a largo plazo del movimiento ecologista es la de una agricultura libre de productos químicos.
In my homeland, the long-term vision of the environmental movement is an agriculture free of chemicals.

Context examples for "movimiento ecologista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El movimiento ecologista debería dejar de exigir que se ponga fin a la pesca.
The environmental movement should get around to withdrawing its demands for an end to fishing.
El movimiento ecologista está decepcionado con Suecia por no defender los asuntos medioambientales.
The environmental movement is disappointed with Sweden for not standing up for environmental issues.
En mi tierra natal, la visión a largo plazo del movimiento ecologista es la de una agricultura libre de productos químicos.
In my homeland, the long-term vision of the environmental movement is an agriculture free of chemicals.
Señor Presidente del Consejo, es usted el primer Presidente del Consejo cuya legitimidad política descansa en el movimiento ecologista.
Mr President-in-Office of the Council, you are the first President-in-Office of the Council whose political legitimacy is based on the eco-movement.
Uno de los errores más importantes que ha cometido el movimiento ecologista al evaluar la situación es que durante mucho tiempo se ha negado a hablar de adaptación.
One of the significant errors that the environmental movement has made in its assessment of the situation is that, for a long time, it refused to discuss adaptation.