
"moldava" in English

"moldava" in English
moldava{adjective feminine}
Moldavian{noun} (demonym)
moldava{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "moldava" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lo que dice esta resolución sobre que la democracia moldava no se ha estabilizado es totalmente cierto.
Last time, many people missed the vote because the bell was rung too late.
Lo que dice esta resolución sobre que la democracia moldava no se ha estabilizado es totalmente cierto.
What this resolution says about Moldovan democracy not having been stabilised is perfectly true.
Esta es la dirección que toman las modificaciones a este Reglamento, las cuales ayudarán a la economía moldava y su desarrollo.
This is the direction which the amendments to this regulation are taking, and this will help the Moldovan economy and its development.
Conozco personalmente a Iurie Rosca, presidente del Partido Cristianodemócrata, el principal partido de la oposición moldava, y a su vicepresidente, Vlad Cubreacov.
I am personally acquainted with Iurie Rosca, Party Chairman of the Christian Democratic Party, the largest opposition party in Moldavia, as well as with the deputy chairman, Vlad Cubreacov.
Nuestros contactos políticos con el partido actualmente en el poder en Moldova no deben evitar que respetemos el deseo de una amplia parte de la población moldava de anexionarse a Rumanía.
Our political contacts with the party currently in office in Moldova must not prevent us from respecting the desire of a large section of the Moldovan population for annexation to Romania.