
"malicious damage" in Spanish

"malicious damage" in English

Context examples for "malicious damage" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If you don't use antivirus software, you expose your computer to damage from malicious software.
Si no usa software antivirus, está exponiendo el equipo a daños causados por software malintencionado.
If you do not use antivirus software, you expose your computer to damage from malicious software.
Si no utiliza software antivirus, está exponiendo el equipo a daños causados por software malintencionado.
There is always a small risk that a downloaded file will contain a virus or malware (malicious software) that can damage your computer.
Siempre existe un pequeño riesgo de que el archivo descargado contenga un virus o malware (software malintencionado) que pueda dañar el equipo.