
"lawyers" in Spanish

abogadas{f pl}
Prime ministers, members of parliament, ministers, in the professional arena, doctors, lawyers, pilots, generals.
Presidentas de gobierno, parlamentarias, banqueras, ministras, en el ámbito profesional, médicos, abogadas, pilotos, generales.
The complainant's lawyer in Sweden has reportedly stated that the ladies themselves cannot tell if the acts in question constituted rapes, because they are not lawyers.
El abogado del demandante en Suecia ha afirmado una y otra vez que ni las propias mujeres pueden confirmar que los actos en cuestión fuesen violaciones, ya que no son abogadas.
abogados{m pl}
These lawyers, journalists, workers and intellectuals are being repressed and gagged.
Esos abogados, periodistas, trabajadores e intelectuales son reprimidos y amordazados.
The only unemployment to which the directive will put an end is that of the lawyers.
El único desempleo con el que acabará esta directiva será el de los abogados.
But lawyers will play a particularly important role in this respect.
Pero los abogados tienen un papel especialmente señalado en ello.
Was the teachers’ lawyer consulted in due time, for example?
Por ejemplo, ¿se consultó al abogado de los profesores a su debido tiempo?
I am grateful to Mrs Fontaine, both as a lawyer and as an MEP.
Esto se lo debo agradecer como abogado además que como diputado europeo a la Sra.
To any lawyer that means that it is not binding.
Como sabe cualquier abogado, eso significa que no es vinculante.
In fact I was not only a lawyer, but a lawyer dealing in debt collecting, often cross-border.
En realidad, no sólo era abogada, sino abogada dedicada al cobro de deudas, muchas de ellas transfronterizas.
You have used your talents as a lawyer to promote the rule of law.
Usted ha puesto su talento de abogada al servicio del Estado de Derecho.
A lawyer, she is persecuted by the government.
Es abogada y perseguida por el régimen.
In the proposal, the words advocate, independent lawyer and lawyer are used without it being clear what the distinction between these terms is intended to be.
En ella se usan indistintamente los términos abogado, licenciado en derecho independiente y licenciado en derecho.
letrado{m} [form.]
I am no lawyer, as you know, but you knew as long ago as January that this business was coming and what form it took.
No soy letrado, pero usted ya sabía en enero que el asunto se avecinaba y cuál era la situación.
A number of judges and lawyers remain in detention to this day.
Hasta la fecha permanecen detenidos varios jueces y letrados.
The same applies to lawyers.
Es exactamente igual en el caso de los letrados.
procurador{m} (abogado)

Synonyms (English) for "lawyer":
Context examples for "lawyers" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Above all, we said, this must be a decision of politicians, and not of lawyers.
Por encima de todo, dijimos, esta debe ser una decisión de políticos, no de abogados.
The only unemployment to which the directive will put an end is that of the lawyers.
El único desempleo con el que acabará esta directiva será el de los abogados.
This argument is a good one for lawyers, but we shall refrain from making it.
Este argumento es bueno para abogados, pero nos abstendremos de utilizarlo.
Most of those who have been working on the directive to date have been lawyers.
Hasta ahora, la mayoría de las personas que se han ocupado de la directiva son juristas.
These lawyers, journalists, workers and intellectuals are being repressed and gagged.
Esos abogados, periodistas, trabajadores e intelectuales son reprimidos y amordazados.
The lawyers had a long fight to even be allowed through to the prisoners.
Los abogados tuvieron que luchar durante muchas horas para poder ver a los detenidos.
The defendants were aided by lawyers not belonging to independent bar associations.
Los procesados fueron asistidos por abogados no pertenecientes a colegios independientes.
We spoke with human rights activists, lawyers and religious minorities.
Conversamos con defensores de los derechos humanos, abogados y minorías religiosas.
'Some well-paid lawyers', he said, 'are talking high-priced, high-octane nonsense'.
'Some well paid lawyers are talking high priced high-octane nonsense?.
They may, in translation, be a rather more solid profession than lawyers are in my country.
Deben ser, en la traducción, una profesión más sólida que los abogados en mi país.
'Some well-paid lawyers ', he said, 'are talking high-priced, high-octane nonsense '.
'Some well paid lawyers are talking high priced high-octane nonsense?.
The only people to benefit from it will be compensation lawyers.
Los únicos que salen beneficiados son los abogados que reclaman indemnizaciones.
He tested her in court with the assistance of the prosecution lawyers.
Sometió a la joven a una dura prueba con la asistencia de los abogados de la acusación.
Mrs Thyssen also referred to the matter of legal privilege for company lawyers.
Thyssen también se ha referido a la cuestión del privilegio jurídico de los juristas de empresa.
He probably mixed up the numbers which, for lawyers, are always difficult.
Seguramente se confundió con los números, que siempre plantean dificultades a los abogados.
These are technical matters which the linguistic lawyers themselves will be able to attend to.
Son cuestiones técnicas que los propios juristas lingüistas podrán tomar en cuenta.
My third and final argument concerns the fact that we are not lawyers, we are politicians.
Mi tercer y último argumento se refiere al hecho de que no somos abogados sino políticos.
That implies ad hoc legal assistance affording access to specialist external lawyers.
Eso implica asistencia legal ad hoc que facilite el acceso a abogados externos especializados.
We also need more adequate training for our lawyers and for our judges.
También es necesaria una formación más adecuada de nuestros abogados y de nuestros jueces.
This political and judicial persecution even extends to lawyers.
Esta persecución política y judicial incluso se extiende hasta los abogados.