
"knocked-out" in Spanish

"knocked-out" in Spanish

Context examples for "knocked-out" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Let us ensure that the Millennium Round is not a round in which Europe gets knocked out.
Consigamos que la Ronda del Milenio no sea una ronda que vea a Europa vencida por k.o.
Let us ensure that the Millennium Round is not a round in which Europe gets knocked out.
Consigamos que la Ronda del Milenio no sea una ronda que vea a Europa vencida por k. o.
One of the most severe injuries occurs when the tooth is knocked totally out of the mouth (avulsed).
Una de las lesiones más graves ocurre cuando el diente es expulsado totalmente de la cavidad bucal (avulsionado).
we knocked ourselves out trying to get it finished in time
nos partimos el pecho para terminarlo a tiempo
she hit her head and knocked herself out
se dio un golpe en la cabeza y perdió el conocimiento
he knocked out three of his teeth with one punch
le hizo saltar tres dientes de un puñetazo
they knocked the living daylights out of him
lo dejaron para la historia con tanto golpe
the first question knocked the stuffing out of him
se desinfló a la primera pregunta
One of the most severe injuries is when a permanent tooth is knocked completely out (avulsed) of the mouth.
Una de las lesiones más graves se produce cuando un diente permanente se desprende completamente (se avulsiona) de la cavidad bucal.
that knocked the bottom out of his world
con eso se le vino el mundo abajo
we were knocked out by their generosity
su generosidad nos dejó pasmados
the news knocked everybody out
la noticia los dejó a todos anonadados
she knocked the glass out of his hand
le hizo caer el vaso de la mano
several teeth were knocked out
perdió varios dientes
In a single year, we have been hit by economic crises, particularly in South-East Asia and Russia, which knocked the wind out of our export market.
Por una parte, nos ha afectado una crisis económica, especialmente en el Sudeste asiático y en Rusia, y se han debilitado los mercados.
he knocked him out
fuera de combate
he knocked him out
lo dejó K. O.