
"inofensivo" in English

"inofensivo" in English
inofensivo{adjective masculine}
inofensivo{adjective masculine}
No se puede pretender como hacen algunos que este texto es inofensivo.
It is impossible to claim, as some do, that this text is inoffensive.
Debe ser inofensivo, no conflictivo y respetuoso.
Be clean, uncontroversial, inoffensive, and family-friendly.
En primer lugar, no hay radiaciones inofensivas.
First of all, there is no such thing as inoffensive radiation.
Ni siquiera una firma digital válida garantiza que el contenido del archivo sea inofensivo.
Even a valid digital signature doesn't verify that the contents of the file are harmless.
Ni siquiera una firma digital válida garantiza que el contenido del archivo sea inofensivo.
Even a valid digital signature does not verify that the contents of the file are harmless.
Además, no porque un producto se utilice desde hace mucho tiempo es inofensivo.
Next, the fact that a product has been used for a very long time does not make it harmless.
innocuous{adj.} (person, comment)
Debo admitir que parece inofensiva.
I have to admit that is seems innocuous.
Actualmente existen en el mercado 307 aditivos alimentarios, de los cuales 163 son totalmente inofensivos.
There are at present 307 food additives on the European market, 163 of which are perfectly innocuous.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "inofensivo":
Context examples for "inofensivo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Qué es un paso inofensivo de un buque transatlántico en un estrecho semejante?
What constitutes 'innocent passage ' by a passenger boat through a strait like this?
Afirma que es inofensivo y genera grandes depósitos de barro rojo de decantación de residuos.
That is a sin from the past; the company concerned has gone and the mess needs to be cleaned up.
Los dirigentes chinos presentan un temor excepcional al movimiento inofensivo y pacífico Falun Gong.
The Chinese leaders are extremely frightened of the peaceful, religious movement, Falun Gong.
No es un paquete inofensivo, como los Verdes tratan de hacernos creer; es un paquete capaz de morder.
It is not a meaningless package as the Greens are trying to make out; it is a package with teeth.
El virus no sobrevive a una temperatura superior a 26º C, de manera que es inofensivo para el hombre.
The virus does not survive at a temperature of more than 26º C, and is therefore not dangerous to humans.
parece inofensivo, pero no te dejes engañar
he looks harmless enough, but don't be misled
se creía que era inofensivo
it was believed to be harmless
se lo tenía por inofensivo
it was believed to be harmless