
"information leaflet" in Spanish

"information leaflet" in Spanish
One of the 48 recommendations set out by the expert group was for there to be an information leaflet.
Una de las 48 recomendaciones establecidas por el grupo de expertos era que hubiese un folleto informativo.
I can recommend this to you as a starting point, and it could also provide a basis for the information leaflet the Commission has promised us.
Se lo puedo recomendar como referencia básica y también puede servir de base para el folleto informativo que nos ha prometido la Comisión.
Mr Crowley's question was whether we could consider preparing an information leaflet and this action was also recommended by the Expert Group on Mortgage Credit.
La pregunta del señor Crowley era si podíamos pensar en elaborar un folleto informativo, como recomendaba también el Grupo de Expertos sobre Créditos Hipotecarios.

Context examples for "information leaflet" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Are we moving towards a time when all food will have to be accompanied by an information leaflet?
¿En el futuro solamente va a haber alimentos acompañados de folletos informativos?
One of the 48 recommendations set out by the expert group was for there to be an information leaflet.
Una de las 48 recomendaciones establecidas por el grupo de expertos era que hubiese un folleto informativo.
I can recommend this to you as a starting point, and it could also provide a basis for the information leaflet the Commission has promised us.
Se lo puedo recomendar como referencia básica y también puede servir de base para el folleto informativo que nos ha prometido la Comisión.
Mr Crowley's question was whether we could consider preparing an information leaflet and this action was also recommended by the Expert Group on Mortgage Credit.
La pregunta del señor Crowley era si podíamos pensar en elaborar un folleto informativo, como recomendaba también el Grupo de Expertos sobre Créditos Hipotecarios.
The report intends to strengthen the wording of the rule to oblige Community carriers to make available an information leaflet, as given in the Annex that is proposed.
El informe pretende reforzar el articulado de la norma al obligar a las compañías comunitarias a presentar una nota informativa, conforme al Anexo que se propone.
For patients, the availability of clear and authoritative information from the leaflet inside the package, to online at the level of a European health portal, is essential.
Es esencial que los pacientes puedan disponer de información clara y fidedigna, desde el prospecto de los medicamentos hasta los portales de salud europeos en Internet.