
"infidelity" in Spanish

What links are there between contraception, infidelity, abortion and divorce?
¿Cuáles son los lazos que unen la anticoncepción, a la infidelidad, al aborto y al divorcio?
During you visit to the Entities, you will also find sin and infidelity.
En la visita a las Entidades encontraréis también pecado e infidelidad.
In the bondage of sin, marriage is threatened by discord, a spirit of domination and infidelity.
Bajo la esclavitud del pecado, el matrimonio es amenazado por la discordia, el espíritu de dominio, la infidelidad.
This fidelity is expressed in the parable not only by his immediate readiness
Tal fidelidad se expresa en la parábola no sólo con la inmediata prontitud en
matrimony, living the sacrament in full fidelity and educating their children
valor cristiano del matrimonio, viviendo el sacramento en plena fidelidad y
Reconciliation, in complete fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church.
en completa fidelidad al magisterio de la Iglesia sobre la malicia del acto contraceptivo.
infiel{m} [hist.]
Sheikh Abdullah, one of the co-founders of the Union, said yesterday: ‘ He who does not perform prayer will be considered an infidel and our Sharia Law orders that person to be killed’.
El jeque Abdula, uno de los cofundadores de la Unión, dijo ayer:« El que no reza será considerado un infiel y nuestra ley nos ordena matar a esa persona.»
Sheikh Abdullah, one of the co-founders of the Union, said yesterday: ‘He who does not perform prayer will be considered an infidel and our Sharia Law orders that person to be killed’.
El jeque Abdula, uno de los cofundadores de la Unión, dijo ayer: «El que no reza será considerado un infiel y nuestra ley nos ordena matar a esa persona.»
That’s why Francis has wanted a missionary Order ad intra, among Christian (1R 14), and ad extra, among “Saracens and other infidels” (1R16).
Esta es la razón por la cual Francisco ha querido una Orden misionera ad intra, entre cristianos (1R 14), y ad extra, entre “sarracenos y otros infieles” (1R16).

Synonyms (English) for "infidelity":
Context examples for "infidelity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What links are there between contraception, infidelity, abortion and
¿Cuáles son los lazos que unen la anticoncepción, a la
Whenever it became aware of its infidelity - and in the history of
Cuando a su vez adquiría conciencia de la propia
infidelity of the chosen people.
pueblo elegido.
marital infidelity
infidelidad conyugal