
"infamia" in English

"infamia" in English
lo que nos han hecho es una infamia
what they have done to us is a disgrace
Señor Presidente, (empezó sin micrófono) y usted mismo no tiene el monopolio de la infamia.
Mr President, (start without microphone) and yourself do not have the monopoly on infamy.
Ha habido muchas otras infamias y muchas han sido cometidas por iniciativa del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América.
There have been many other infamies and many have been committed on the initiative of the US Government.
sacrilege{noun} [humor.]
villainy{noun} [poet.]

Context examples for "infamia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estos nombres que resuenan en este recinto llevan el peso de la infamia.
These names resounding within these walls carry the weight of evil.
Enriquecerse con el dinero procedente de la droga es una infamia.
It is absolutely scandalous to create one's wealth out of drug money.
Me gustaría exponer el grado de infamia del régimen birmano.
Let me explain the vile nature of the present regime in Burma.
Ustedes saben tan bien como yo que cuando uno de ustedes habla aquí, en el Parlamento, la infamia da un paso atrás.
You know as well as I do that whenever one of you speaks here in Parliament, evil takes another step backwards.
Ha reforzado la infamia del Gobierno chino, que se cobra cada día el encarcelamiento de cientos de miles de personas.
He has given comfort to the shameful Chinese government which imprisons hundreds of thousands of people every day.
Este proceder mentiroso es una infamia.
This mendacious procedure is a scandal.
lo que nos han hecho es una infamia
what they have done to us is a disgrace
lo que nos han hecho es una infamia
they have done us a terrible wrong
Tenemos un deber: luchar contra esta infamia, como otros lucharon contra la esclavitud, contra el racismo y contra el encarcelamiento arbitrario.
We have a duty: that of combating this vile business, as others have combated slavery, racism and arbitrary imprisonment.
La otra infamia es romper el inicio de una política común en materia de asuntos exteriores, que la Unión Europea intenta crear con tanto esfuerzo.
The other shame was to undermine the beginning of a common policy on foreign affairs which the European Union has had such difficulty in trying to set up.
Señor Presidente, yo tampoco creo, señor Pompidou, que Francia lavará la doble infamia de Ginebra, recibiendo a un puñado de organizaciones no gubernamentales.
Mr President, nor do I believe, Mr Pompidou, that it is in receiving a handful of NGOs that France will wash itself of the double shame of Geneva.
Es una infamia atreverse a llevar un nombre como ese, y, sin embargo, los discos se venden gracias a la promoción de los capitalistas de la FNAC y de otros sitios.
It is despicable that it dares to have a name like that, and yet the records are selling thanks to capitalists promoting them, as is seen in FNAC and elsewhere.