
"index-linking" in Spanish

"index-linking" in English

Context examples for "index-linking" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I also voted for the deletion of index-linking, which would most probably be interpreted by the European Court of Justice as 'equitable adjustment' and as an obligation.
También he votado en contra de la vinculación a un índice, que el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo interpretaría muy probablemente como "ajuste equitativo" y como una obligación.
The idea of expressing that as a percentage of the remuneration of a judge of the Court of Justice seems to be a good solution, including where index-linking is concerned.
La idea de expresarlo como porcentaje de la remuneración de un juez del Tribunal de Justicia parece ser una buena solución, incluso en lo que respecta a la vinculación a los índices.