
"inconceivable" in Spanish

"inconceivable" in Spanish
inconcebible{adj. m/f}
It is inconceivable that a woman accused of adultery can still be stoned.
Es inconcebible que todavía se pueda lapidar a una mujer acusada de adulterio;
Reconciliation is almost inconceivable unless a just new order is put in place.
La reconciliación resulta casi inconcebible a menos que se instaure un nuevo orden.
I find this utterly inconceivable - which is made clear, of course.
Creo que esto es totalmente inconcebible -algo que, evidentemente, está claro-.
impensable{adj. m/f}
Anything else is inconceivable.
Esto es completamente impensable.
At all events, it seems inconceivable to me that a separate legal basis can be created for all these separate initiatives.
En cualquier caso me parece impensable que para todas esas iniciativas particulares pueda crearse un fundamento jurídico particular.
After 30 years of civil war, however, it is simply inconceivable that such a thing can be achieved overnight.
Al cabo de 30 años de guerra civil, es sencillamente impensable que esto se haga de un día a otro.
concebible{adj. m/f}
There is no possible or conceivable justification for the IRA bomb.
No existe ninguna justificación posible ni concebible para el atentado del IRA.
It is not conceivable that the occupying power would ever be seen as that.
No es concebible que la potencia ocupante sea considerada nunca como tal.
Do you consider it conceivable and what will you do now to know for certain?
¿Piensan ustedes que es concebible? Y ¿qué harán para saberlo con certeza?
Neither represent any conceivable threat to the Italian State.
Ninguno de los dos representa una amenaza imaginable para el Estado italiano.
There is therefore no conceivable argument why the recommendations of this report should not be implemented.
Por tanto, no existe motivo imaginable que impida que las recomendaciones del informe sean aplicadas.
However, we must bear in mind that we cannot insure against every conceivable eventuality.
Sin embargo, hemos de tener en cuenta que no podemos tener un seguro contra cualquier eventualidad imaginable.

Synonyms (English) for "inconceivable":
Context examples for "inconceivable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
MrPresident, the tragedy in Asia is still inconceivable for many of us.
MrPresident, the tragedy in Asia is still inconceivable for many of us.
Yet again there is a public outcry against such inconceivable cruelty.
Una vez más, los ciudadanos europeos se indignan ante esta barbarie incomprensible.
It seems inconceivable to me that the second should be covered, but not the first.
No logro comprender por qué estas últimas sí y las primeras no pueden entrar en la directiva.
For me it would be inconceivable not to have economics as the basis of agricultural policy.
Para mí sería inimaginable que la economía ya no fuese la base de la política agrícola.
No human being can remain silent in the presence of this inconceivable violence.
Ningún ser humano puede callar ante esa violencia inaudita.
Mr President, the amount of information in society is increasing to an inconceivable level.
Señor Presidente, la magnitud de la información en nuestra sociedad aumenta hasta lo indecible.
Many people thought it inconceivable that there could be a European dimension to employment policy.
Para muchos era inimaginable la existencia de una dimensión europea en la política de empleo.
What is inconceivable is that there are still some who fear that the cooperation will go too far.
Lo que resulta incomprensible es que siga habiendo gente con miedo a que la cooperación sea excesiva.
Our economic model is inconceivable without fairness, and fairness cannot be achieved without protection.
Nuestro modelo económico no se concibe sin la equidad. Y la equidad no se consigue sin la protección.
In short, for the majority of my group it is inconceivable for us to support Mr Jarzembowski’s proposals.
En resumen, para la mayoría de mi Grupo, no es factible apoyar las propuestas del señor Jarzembowski.
I do not think that is inconceivable. But we do have to discuss the reasons why this is happening.
No descarto que esto pueda ocurrir, pero ello no obsta para que discutamos sobre el porqué de este retroceso.
European growth is inconceivable without solidarity.
El crecimiento europeo no se concibe sin solidaridad.
Not only do I regard such an arrangement as inconceivable; it would quite simply be non-negotiable as far as we are concerned.
No solamente no lo considero posible sino que sobre todo para nosotros no sería negociable.
It is not inconceivable that such an act may have implications for the global arms race generally.
No cabe excluir que un acto de esta naturaleza pueda tener consecuencias en la carrera de armamentos en el mundo en general.
But what is even worse is that something even more inconceivable has now taken place with the attempt on the life of Akin Birdal.
Pero aún peor: se ha venido a sumar un hecho aún más increíble con el atentado contra Akin Birdal.
However, and I agree with them entirely on this point, prevention is inconceivable without a far-reaching reform of the Structural Funds.
Algunas van por su tercera declaración de siniestro y por la tercera limpieza en unos meses.
Competition in the electricity sector is inconceivable in anything other than homeopathic, controlled and regulated doses.
La competencia en el sector eléctrico sólo puede concebirse en dosis homeopáticas, controladas y reguladas.
The war that has raged in the Western Balkans has caused an inconceivable amount of human suffering and damage to property.
La guerra desatada en los Balcanes Occidentales ha causado tremendos sufrimientos humanos y pérdidas materiales.
This is an absolutely inconceivable situation!
¡Qué situación tan incongruente!
I thought it inconceivable that it could have been the trade unions that, by the use of false arguments, induced these people to come here.
Me parece increíble que los sindicatos indujeran a los trabajadores con falsos argumentos a venir aquí.