
"I have had enough" in Spanish

"I have had enough" in English

Similar translations for "I have had enough" in Spanish
Context examples for "I have had enough" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
When I read Amendment 28 it made me realise why I have had enough of all this nonsense.
Cuando leí la enmienda 28, me di cuenta de por qué estoy harto de todo este disparate.
I have had enough of these subsidies. They must simply be abolished immediately.
Ya estoy hasta el colmo de estas subvenciones; sencillamente, deben suprimirse de manera inmediata.
I have had enough!
Quizás me pueda corregir, quizás sólo haya comprendido tonterías.
I have had enough of the knock-out argument, which is always trotted out, that research will move abroad.
Ya he oído demasiado el argumento recurrente, siempre recitado de carrerilla, de que habrá una fuga de investigadores.
But gradually I have had enough of it.
Sin embargo, poco a poco, comencé a sentirme hastiada.
I have had enough of this constant hypocrisy.
Estoy harto de esta constante hipocresía.
I have had enough of these political groups!
¡Estoy harto de esos Grupos políticos!
I have had enough of those people who continually make proposals in the European area without knowing whom to address themselves to.
Estoy harto de esas personas que no paran de proponer cosas en el espacio europeo sin saber a quién dirigirse.
I have had enough
ya tuve suficiente
I have had enough!
¡Ya basta!
I have had enough of words which are not matched by action and I am starting to doubt the power and effectiveness of Parliament and our institutions.
Estoy cansada de palabras que no se traducen en hechos y empiezo a dudar de la fuerza y de la eficacia de este Parlamento y de nuestras Instituciones.
I have had enough of hearing such lies because, with MrSchultz’s arguments, with MrWatson’s poetic arguments, how will you be able to say no to the Balkans?
Ya basta de oír semejantes mentiras, porque, con los argumentos del señor Schultz, con los argumentos poéticos del señor Watson, ¿cómo podrán decir no a los Balcanes?
I have had enough of hearing such lies because, with Mr Schultz’ s arguments, with Mr Watson’ s poetic arguments, how will you be able to say no to the Balkans?
Ya basta de oír semejantes mentiras, porque, con los argumentos del señor Schultz, con los argumentos poéticos del señor Watson,¿cómo podrán decir no a los Balcanes?
I have had enough of the verbiage, of the constant need to make statements; when we have to adopt or enact something though, we are somewhere else, like at the next football match.
Ya está bien de palabrería, de la constante necesidad de realizar declaraciones; cuando tenemos que adoptar o promulgar algo, estamos en otro sitio, como en el próximo partido de fútbol.