
"glamour" in English

"glamour" in English
"glamour" in Spanish
La palabra asilo ha perdido acertadamente todo su glamour para el público.
The word asylum has rightly lost its glamour in the eyes of the general public.
Así que apartémonos del glamour intelectual, del pesimismo y del constante menosprecio de la Unión Europea que tanto daño está ocasionando a la imagen de Europa.
So let us get away from the intellectual glamour of pessimism and constant denigration of the European Union that is doing so much damage to Europe's image.
glam{noun} (glamour)
glamor{noun} [Amer.]
The word asylum has rightly lost its glamour in the eyes of the general public.
La palabra asilo ha perdido acertadamente todo su glamour para el público.
So let us get away from the intellectual glamour of pessimism and constant denigration of the European Union that is doing so much damage to Europe's image.
Así que apartémonos del glamour intelectual, del pesimismo y del constante menosprecio de la Unión Europea que tanto daño está ocasionando a la imagen de Europa.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "glamour":
Synonyms (English) for "glamour":
Context examples for "glamour" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esta exposición ha pretendido dotar de glamour a criminales presos que han cometido delitos atroces.
This exhibition set out to glamorise convicted felons who have committed heinous crimes.
era un trabajo que no estaba rodeado de glamour
it was an unglamorous job
Se acaba de distribuir un cómic entre los Diputados que refleja lo emocionante que es el trabajo del Parlamento Europeo, con jóvenes personajes masculinos y femeninos rebosantes de« glamour».
A new model strip cartoon has just been distributed to Members showing how exciting the work of the European Parliament is, with glamorous young male and female characters.