
"futures market" in Spanish

"futures market" in English
The Chicago futures market is still there and will continue to be there.
El mercado a plazo de Chicago sigue y seguirá existiendo.
Unless of course, Commissioner, it would be possible to set up a European futures market for agricultural products, based near the European Central Bank, that is, in Frankfurt.
A menos, claro está, señor Comisario, que desee usted poner en marcha con rapidez un mercado a plazo europeo de productos agrícolas, situado al lado del Banco Central Europeo, es decir, en Fráncfort.

Synonyms (English) for "futures market":
Context examples for "futures market" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Chicago futures market is still there and will continue to be there.
El mercado a plazo de Chicago sigue y seguirá existiendo.
Never has there been so much negotiating on the futures market, nor has there been so much money involved.
Nunca ha habido tantas negociaciones acerca del mercado de los futuros ni tanto dinero en juego.
Never has there been so much negotiating on the futures market, nor has there been so much money involved.
Nunca ha habido tanta negociación en el mercado de futuros y nunca ha habido tanto dinero en juego.
Madam President, I wish to raise the issue of the increasing oil prices and particularly the oil futures market.
Señora Presidenta, deseo plantear la cuestión del aumento de los precios del petróleo y, especialmente, del mercado de futuros de petróleo.
futures market
mercado de futuros
Unless of course, Commissioner, it would be possible to set up a European futures market for agricultural products, based near the European Central Bank, that is, in Frankfurt.
A menos, claro está, señor Comisario, que desee usted poner en marcha con rapidez un mercado a plazo europeo de productos agrícolas, situado al lado del Banco Central Europeo, es decir, en Fráncfort.
The MATIF, which is one of the most important futures markets in Europe, if not the most important, should be able to continue to develop and compete with the futures market of the United States.
El MATIF (contrato de futuros financieros), que es el más importante o uno de los más importantes de Europa, debe poder seguir desarrollándose y compitiendo con el de los Estados Unidos.