
"flaqueza" in English

"flaqueza" in English
la flaqueza humana
human frailty
Debido a esta flaqueza del Consejo, los grandes ausentes de este debate son los pueblos y sus voluntades.
Because of this weakness of the Council the people and their wishes are totally absent from this debate.
Si permitimos que nuestra posición se debilite debido a la flaqueza del Consejo, no hemos aprendido ninguna lección de la crisis.
If we allow our position to be weakened because of the weakness of the Council, we have not learned any lessons from the crisis.
A mi juicio, la respuesta es, lamentablemente, negativa, ya que los atletas son humanos y la codicia parece ser una flaqueza inherente al ser humano.
In my view the answer is unfortunately ‘no’, because athletes are only human and greed seems to be an inherent human weakness.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "flaqueza":
Context examples for "flaqueza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto es absolutamente crucial porque, en este ámbito, damos pruebas de ingenuidad y flaqueza.
This is absolutely crucial because, in this area, we appear naive and weak.
Nuestra reacción, inmediatamente después de esta flaqueza, ya fue la de condenar el compromiso francoalemán en el que se basa este texto.
As early as the day after this passivity, our reaction was to condemn the Franco-German compromise on which this text was based.
A mi juicio, la respuesta es, lamentablemente, negativa, ya que los atletas son humanos y la codicia parece ser una flaqueza inherente al ser humano.
The same one that often leads people to kill each other and, sometimes, even causes whole nations to fight one another.
la flaqueza humana
human frailty