
"false start" in Spanish

"false start" in English

Context examples for "false start" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
None of the arguments presented is convincing as they start from false premises.
Ninguno de los argumentos expuestos resulta convincente, puesto que parten de unas premisas erróneas.
Unfortunately, the debate on the budget had a false start.
Desafortunadamente, el debate sobre el presupuesto tuvo un falso comienzo.
Without this, it might seem that the ECB is making a false start and is unsuccessful in building up credibility and authority.
Sin ella habría que temer seriamente un mal comienzo del BCE y no lograría granjearse credibilidad y autoridad.
It is a false start.
Ha sido un punto de partida equivocado.